Plant kindness during this season of love, growth, and blooming.

Spring has sprung!

Spring is known for new beginnings; it is a wonderful time of year to brighten others’ lives after a long winter season. Chalice’s gift catalogue has gifts for all the milestones on your calendar such as baby showers, baptisms, weddings, birthdays, and graduations. There are so many great events to be celebrated, and Chalice is happy to be a part of them. 

Our catalogue holds heartfelt and thoughtful gifts. A child, mother, or family in our sites receives a gift they urgently need, leaving them with a sense of joyous and gratitude. As well, our loved one receives a beautiful card that tells them what you gave on their behalf. You will be spreading the love twice, near and far.  

We have exciting news to share with you… our 2024 spring gift catalogue is here! 

Here are some ideas on how to plant kindness this spring and summer: 

#5: Grow a life-long learner

Grow a life-long learner, gift catalogue chalice

Create a rich and fertile environment for children to grow and thrive. These gifts help students achieve their full potential and support the teachers devoted to getting them there. 

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Chalice Critical Needs donors help Rasmi win back her voice.

Rasmi’s tongue spoke for itself. The twenty-two-year-old living near Chalice’s Madurai sponsor site in India felt discomfort in her mouth; she and began to stumble over her words and couldn’t ignore the need for medical attention. Thanks to Chalice’s Critical Needs Fund and the miracle of modern medicine, Rasmi regained her speech.

India Madurai CN Mis.Resmi

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Lunch is ready! Asembo students line up for warm lunch thanks to Chalice donors

A healthy lunch and a focused mind go hand in hand. Hungry students at our Asembo site, Kenya, find they cannot focus or remain alert in the classroom. Research shows struggling students are more likely to drop out of school. Many people can relate to the difficulty of thinking, listening, and concentrating when they are hungry. 

Kenya Asembo smile lunch school group plate eat nutrition

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Chalice donors support a young boy’s surgery, after a serious fall from his bicycle

When 16-year-old Jayesh experienced a serious fall from his bike, Chalice donors helped him rise up through the Critical Needs Fund.  

Jayesh, who lives with his parents and older sister in India, was enjoying a bike ride not far from our Mangalagiri site when he unexpectedly hit a pothole and crashed to the ground. Jayesh knew from the pain that it was not a superficial injury.   

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Starehe girls’ bond with experiments…

There are no mad scientists here, only inspired students! 

Through Chalice’s School Connections program, a Canadian school contributed to big changes at their sister school in Nairobi Kenya. Starehe Girls’ Centre is a national boarding high school for gifted girls from disadvantaged families. The school enrollment has been steadily increasing over the past few years, although more children are continuing with their education, the school is struggling to keep up.  

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Human Trafficking is a tragic reality. Chalice sponsor sites are proactive to protect children.

From its very roots, the Catholic church has sought to fight against human captivity – what in the modern world, we call human trafficking.  

“It is a sin against the dignity of persons and their fundamental rights to reduce them by violence to their productive value or to a source of profit,” says the Catechism of the Catholic Church [pp. 2414]. 

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Fourteen families in Kenya lost everything

They were left with the clothes on their backs. Everything that was in their houses including important documents like title deeds, birth certificates and academic certificates were gone. 

In March 2023, a fire had broken out in Meru, Kenya, and 14 families’ homes were affected 

14 families lost everything in Kenya

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Canadian schools help paint a bigger picture

Meru, Kenya, is full of wildlife and wide-open spaces. The sunsets paint the sky bright and bold colours. The word Meru means ‘shining light.’
However, some areas are not shining quite like others. Kandubai Primary School was one place that was in poor condition. The area around the school is not well supported by public funds, families lack essential resources for their students.

Kenya Meru Kandubai PTA desks nun smile 2023-scr

Continue reading “Canadian schools help paint a bigger picture”

Okasana and Ihor’s family can now flourish

Growing like weeds and blooming like flowers. Okasana and Ihor, parents of four who live near Chalice’s Ternopil site in Ukraine, noticed their children growing out of their clothes incredibly fast. The children, two boys and two girls, range in age from six to fifteen. Oksana and Ihor’s biggest challenge will be familiar to any parent of teenagers. “They grow fast,” she says. “They need clothes and footwear most.” Fortunately, generous donations from Chalice donors gave a sense of relief to this family of six. 

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Chalice’s sponsors create childhood memories to last a lifetime

3,2,1… Happy New Year! The best way to brighten up the upcoming year is to shine light into a child’s life. January is a time to reflect. A moment of gratitude often comes when the calendar resets. Adriana, a young girl from Ukraine, finds herself looking back on the year and processing all the moments of her journey. She had a dream of becoming a teacher when she was a young girl. She is 19 now and she has a little slip of paper that takes her back in time.  

Adriana and her twin sister Snizhana are the eldest of a very large family. “I am blessed to have my wonderful parents and 12 siblings: six brothers and six sisters,” she says. “Our parents work very hard to keep such a big family, but I realize how hard it has been for them to provide for us.” Adriana was sponsored through Chalice’s sponsorship program, and it has made a significant impact in her life. “Owing to regular sponsorship support, we have had proper nutrition even in the times when our parents didn’t have any income. Foods, clothing, and school supplies helped us get basic needs.”  


Adriana looks back fondly over eight years of site Christmas celebrations that Chalice’s Ternopil site hosted. “Every performance was appreciated. These moments have become my everlasting memories.” She also “loved to receive a Christmas card from my sponsor.” She would make her own card every year to show how much she appreciated the support. Adriana says, “I owe my happiest moments in life to the site, which has become my second family.” The ongoing support and contact that her sponsor had with her made all the difference. Being present and connected brings life into both the sponsor and the child. It brought so much joy to Adriana’s childhood. 


“My journey with Chalice started eight years ago,” she says. “I remember the day when my mom took me to a place where I wrote my first letter to Chalice. I keep the draft sheet of my first letter and sometimes reread it.” Adriana remembers the moment she was sponsored. She was so excited and grateful that someone who she had never met wanted to support her. “From that day on, my life started to change. The sponsorship program has made a great impact on my family’s life.”  


“The sponsorship program has given me a chance to pursue my dream and achieve my goal to become a teacher.” Adriana will always cherish the opportunity she was given. “Chalice is a gift from Heaven. I am infinitely grateful to the founder of the sponsorship program and all donors who provide such precious support. If it wasn’t for Chalice, my life wouldn’t be so bright.” 


This year, you can be the brightness in a child’s life! Let 2024 be the year of connection and lasting memories. A gift that will stick with a child forever.  


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