Ponciana is cured from a tumor thanks to the Critical Needs fund

Ponciana is the mother of five children and currently lives alone with her youngest daughter, María Nicol, who is sponsored through our Yapacani site in Bolivia. Ponciana has been experiencing headaches for several years, but in July, the pain became unbearable.  

Bolivia Yapacani Ponciana doctor check up critical needs

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Sponsorship ensured Adriana to complete her secondary education

Adriana from our Ternopil site in Ukraine, has been sponsored for 8 years. She grew up in a lovely family of 14, including: six brothers and six sisters. Sponsorship ensured that Adriana completed her secondary education and complete a teaching program at a college. 

Adriana is 19 now, but she has a little slip of paper that takes her back in time. 

Ukraine Ternopil Adriana smile sisters child sponsorship education

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A booming business, a motorcycle repair shop in Peru

Roxana, mother of Adriano, a child in our Chiclayo site in Peru, isn’t afraid of stereotypes. In her community, women don’t become motorcycle mechanics, but Roxana did.  

Every day, she goes to work with pride, knowing that she is now able to provide for her two-year-old son. Adriano stays with Roxana’s mother while she’s tuning up the bikes.  

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Roman and his family repaired their house after a rocket explosion in Ukraine

Roman and his family of four live near Belarus. His father is seasonably employed and his mother, Larysa, takes care of the children. Last year, around July, the vulnerable family experienced a rocket explosion in their village– the damage to their home was devastating. The family is grateful to have survived.  

Ukraine Pochaiv Roman mom critical needs Home Repairs

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Comfortable desks are a gift of focus and success to school in Ghana

Many children in our Konta sponsor site live in a small community called Kpongu. Families mostly earn their livelihoods from small farms and businesses in this area. St. Benedict Parish, our sponsorship site partner, runs a kindergarten/primary school in Kpongu 

Ghana Konta Dual desks Kpongu St. Benedict school students uniform

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Khrystyna receives crucial physical therapies for her cerebral palsy

Khrystyna, from our Ternopil site in Ukraine, was born with cerebral palsy. Before sponsorship, her parents did everything to cover the therapies required to improve Khrystyna’s mobility. 

Khrystyna lives with her father, Vasyl, and her mother, Oksana, who takes care of her daughter full-time. They all live in a tiny rented one-bedroom apartment.  

Ukraine Ternopil Khrystyna smile wheelchair rehabilitation center

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Vulnerable children overcoming malnutrition in Paraguay

Every day, about 100 children visit the Open Centre in our CMAVIL site in Paraguay. The centre offers social recreation, after-school homework assistance, and a lunch program.   

Evelin is a three-year-old child who lives with her mom, Diana, and two older sisters. “Evelin is the youngest of the three,” Sr. Miguela describes, “and when we enrolled her in the {sponsorship} program she had mild malnutrition.” Diana raises the girls alone, doing her best to provide for them as a housecleaner. Despite her best efforts, “they are a family of very limited resources,” Sr. Miguela writes.  

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Christine overcame an urgent health condition

Christine hails from a humble family of five. She has always excelled in her studies and aced her grade eight exams. In Kenya, your grade eight scores determine the calibre of high school studies you can pursue. Christine’s were high enough to land her a coveted spot at Starehe Girls Centre in Nairobi.  

Starehe Girls’ Centre is a university preparatory boarding school for gifted girls from disadvantaged families. Chalice has sponsored Starehe Girls’ students since 2013. Starehe enables girls to study alongside those of more privileged backgrounds; most graduates go on to university. 

Kenya Starehe critcal needs success Christine hiking smile 2022-lpr
Christine hiking in Kenya

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Youth Entrepreneurship Conference offers possibilities in Kenya

The Nairobi site in Kenya has close to 700 hundred sponsored children. They focus on improving the quality of their nutrition, health, and hygiene.  

The site is full of brilliant young innovators that want to start their own businesses. Recognizing their potential, the site hosted a Youth Entrepreneurship Conference. The conferences started in 2019, where young people share ideas and experiences. Additionally, they take part in training sessions and support one another succeed.

Kenya Nairobi business Conference group staff
Youth Entrepreneurship Conference In Nairobi, Kenya

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A dignified house for a family in India

Having your own house in a developing country is mostly impossible. Mathani, her husband, and 5 children lived in a deficient house near our Nellore site in India. The family constantly worried about the rain, insects – or even reptiles – coming into their little hut. 

Their house required extensive repairs that the family could not afford. Masthani’s husband’s income could only pay their children’s education bills and daily needs. 

The situation was desperately bad, their children didn’t have privacy and there was no place to study properly. “The children lacked a suitable space to study and complete their schoolwork.” the Nellore site staff recalls. 

India Nellore family mom dad smile home
Manthani’s family with their new home in India.

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