Tag Archives: Kenya

500 youth link arms and strengthen their mental wellness

Teamwork makes the dream work! Fr. Vargese, our Baraka site director in Kenya, admired how the Chalice family circles always had a strong sense of unity and took on problems as a team. The site had monthly group meetings which were a safe place to share personal challenges, find support, and make progress together. 

Bags full of books and hearts full of hope

Children carry a lot of fresh knowledge in their minds. For everything else they have to carry, it helps to have a sturdy, reliable backpack.   A good day at school starts at home. When children arrive at school prepared to learn, it shows in their grades.  Sr. Janefrances and her team at the Mombasa […]

Fourteen families in Kenya lost everything

14 families lost everything in Kenya

They were left with the clothes on their backs. Everything that was in their houses including important documents like title deeds, birth certificates and academic certificates were gone.  In March 2023, a fire had broken out in Meru, Kenya, and 14 families’ homes were affected.  

Canadian schools help paint a bigger picture

Meru, Kenya, is full of wildlife and wide-open spaces. The sunsets paint the sky bright and bold colours. The word Meru means ‘shining light.’ However, some areas are not shining quite like others. Kandubai Primary School was one place that was in poor condition. The area around the school is not well supported by public […]

An entrepreneurship gift creates opportunities

At all our sites there are entrepreneurial souls waiting to take the first step towards building their own business. Those first steps often start to happen when parents or guardians join Chalice family circles. During their meeting they start to get trained on in demand skills that will open the doors of opportunities. When a […]

Bicycles for Asembo

Kenya asembo bicycles girls students uniform smile gift catalogue

Oh what fun it is to ride! Children are reaching destinations and milestones with the help of their new bicycle. Children in our Asembo site, Kenya, are thrilled to have a new way of transportation for students to get to school. You can give a child a bicycle through our gift catalogue. A bike makes […]

A boom business thanks to Chalice family circles in Kenya

Sponsorship brings fortuitous opportunities to children and families alike. Grace, a mother from our Baraka site in Kenya, applied the business skills that she learned from her Chalice family circle to her own farming business.  Grace’s life experiences weren’t great, she had to leave her home with her three children. Fortunately, the children’s grandmother offered […]

Breaking new ground at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School has a glorious namesake, but this time last year, the school was anything but beautiful.  The walls were collapsing on rotten timber supports, exposing the students and staff to the elements year-round. They were cold, damp and muddy part of the year and sweltering and dusty the other parts. They […]

Big Changes in Mombasa

The Sisters of St Joseph Mombasa run Chalice’s Mombasa sponsor site, working in the low-income neighborhoods of this coastal city in Kenya. They run three homes for children: the Grandsons of Abraham Rescue Centre, Bakitah Girls Rescue Centre, and the Shanzu Orphanage.   The Grandsons of Abraham Centre rescues, rehabilitates and educates boys who have lived in […]