A Different Kind of Christmas

If we asked you to associate one word with Christmas, what would it be?  Maybe light, togetherness, or food. Whatever it is, it likely wouldn’t be ‘loneliness’.   Yet that’s the prospect parents at our Chiclayo sponsor site in Peru were faced with last year, when COVID-19 restrictions ruled out in-person gatherings.  Parents at the site, however, were …

Hard work pays off: Juan has a bright future

“I feel blessed to participate in the sponsorship program,” says 20-year-old Juan who is currently studying medicine in university. He has encountered many obstacles in his young life, but thanks to his sponsor and other Chalice supports he is very close to realizing his dream of working in the medical field. Growing up in Chiclayo, …

Mothers in Peru spread Christmas cheer with neighbors in need

Each year as Christmas approaches, mothers of sponsored children at our PINIFE site in Peru reflect on how they can make the holidays special. A few years ago, Chalice family circles decided that the best way to enjoy Christmas was to share joy and blessings with their neighbors in need. In the surrounding community, many …