Happy and healthy students in Ghana

Nicholas knows that to achieve good grades, children need to maintain their focus in school, and nothing is more distracting than a growling stomach. “The nutrition program is actually one of the most important programs,” says Nicholas, Konta site director.  

Happy and healthy students in Ghana nutrition program ladles and love

At our Konta sponsorship site in Ghana, many children attend specialized schools for students with disabilities. The Wa School for the Deaf and Don Bosco School are boarding schools where students receive all their meals and snacks throughout the school year. 

These schools rely on federal programs to get their food supply. However, in recent years, this support has fallen short, and the schools were running dangerously low mid-way through the term.  

The staff tried their best to get balanced diets for these children. They had to serve smaller portions, with lower-quality ingredients. “The children’s general health, academics, and willingness to attend school [were] greatly affected,” staff say.  

This was especially critical for the St Don Bosco students because many of them have disabilities and chronic health conditions making them even more vulnerable to malnutrition. 

The school was six weeks into term with seven left to go, and the food supplies were depleted. If the school couldn’t feed the children, they’d be forced to close. Many of these children have no other place to go. 

Thanks to your generosity, the Konta site staff kept the two schools up and running. They had plenty of food to feed their students. They bought rice, maize, bread flour, mackerel, milk, onions, oil, salt, and tomato paste. “These foods sustained the school throughout the term until the school went on vacation,” says Nicholas. There have been no cases of malnutrition since the program began. 

The three nutritious meals served daily motivate children to attend school and stay engaged. The students are incredibly grateful for the meals provided. “The fed children often look fresher in school,” Nicholas says, and many are reluctant to go home for holiday breaks because they like the food at school better!  

Chalice’s Lunch Buddies make lunchtime possible. Thanks to our monthly donors, Chalice is able to serve warm meals to more students and elders each day. Their generosity is helping build stronger, healthier communities. Our sites are filled with smiling faces and happy tummies! 

Lunch Buddies fight hunger. Become a lunch buddy today and ladle up some love for someone in need.  

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