Tag Archives: Tanzania

Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Worker’ photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. This past week in Canada, people across the country celebrated Labour Day. A day of rest and vacation, it’s historically a time to celebrate workers and their achievements. Chalice works with hard workers around […]

High-Fives For Handwashing In Tanzania

At our Mbinga site in Tanzania, life already isn’t easy for many schoolchildren. Rural Tanzanian students often live in poverty, while their parents struggle to afford school fees. Children often drop out, further widening the poverty cycle. Around 70% of schoolchildren ages 14-17 aren’t enrolled in secondary education. When COVID-19 swept the world, it certainly […]

Our Top 5 “Sharing Your Heart” Photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. June is a special month for the Church, with many celebrations of God’s love for us. In gratitude for His love, we show that same love to others. As we all know, showing love […]