Tag Archives: special money

How Special Money Creates Lasting Change

Giving special money is just that… special. In 2023 at our Meru sponsor site in Kenya, nearly 250 children received gifts of special money from their sponsors. For many, it is an exciting opportunity to get things they have been hoping for, whether it is school supplies, clothes, or even food for their families. Imagine […]

How Can Special Money Make a Difference?

Chalice donors know sponsorship makes an impact on children every day around the world. But what some might not know is there are other ways to support your sponsored child. Around here, we call it ‘special money.’   That’s when a sponsor chooses to donate extra money to their sponsored child, elder or family. But does […]

Sending a card or “special money” to your sponsor child or elder

Writing to your sponsored child creates a tangible connection between you and your sponsored child or elder, and they are so excited when they receive your letter directly. This also encourages them to write you back. In addition, some of our Chalice sponsors like to give extra donations for Christmas, birthdays or other special occasions. […]