Tag Archives: health

Plant kindness during this season of love, growth, and blooming.

Spring has sprung! Spring is known for new beginnings; it is a wonderful time of year to brighten others’ lives after a long winter season. Chalice’s gift catalogue has gifts for all the milestones on your calendar such as baby showers, baptisms, weddings, birthdays, and graduations. There are so many great events to be celebrated, […]

Chalice Critical Needs donors help Rasmi win back her voice.

Rasmi’s tongue spoke for itself. The twenty-two-year-old living near Chalice’s Madurai sponsor site in India felt discomfort in her mouth; she and began to stumble over her words and couldn’t ignore the need for medical attention. Thanks to Chalice’s Critical Needs Fund and the miracle of modern medicine, Rasmi regained her speech. For a few […]

Chalice donors support a young boy’s surgery, after a serious fall from his bicycle

When 16-year-old Jayesh experienced a serious fall from his bike, Chalice donors helped him rise up through the Critical Needs Fund.   Jayesh, who lives with his parents and older sister in India, was enjoying a bike ride not far from our Mangalagiri site when he unexpectedly hit a pothole and crashed to the ground. Jayesh […]

Ponciana is cured from a tumor thanks to the Critical Needs fund

Ponciana is the mother of five children and currently lives alone with her youngest daughter, María Nicol, who is sponsored through our Yapacani site in Bolivia. Ponciana has been experiencing headaches for several years, but in July, the pain became unbearable.  

Khrystyna receives crucial physical therapies for her cerebral palsy

Khrystyna, from our Ternopil site in Ukraine, was born with cerebral palsy. Before sponsorship, her parents did everything to cover the therapies required to improve Khrystyna’s mobility.  Khrystyna lives with her father, Vasyl, and her mother, Oksana, who takes care of her daughter full-time. They all live in a tiny rented one-bedroom apartment.  

Critical needs funding gives Andriy a healthy heart

Andriy is a 17-year-old student who dreams of becoming a computer engineer. He has faced many challenges in his young life; but, thanks to his sponsor, the generosity of Chalice supporters, and an Italian hospital, he is now in good health.   Andriy was born with a life-threatening heart condition – his first heart surgery […]

Critical Needs help Ilona to return a fulfilling life

Our critical needs fund improves and saves lives around the world. In this case, our friend Ilona in our Pochaiv site, Ukraine, was living a happy and healthy life. When suddenly, the doctor found something concerning at her annual check up.  Ilona’s doctor suspected she had diabetes. But for this condition to appear so suddenly […]

Our top 5 ‘Ways to Celebrate’

This time, we’re sharing our top 5 ‘Ways to Celebrate’ Spring is here at last! The warmer months bring many reasons to celebrate and share gifts with our friends and loved ones. Chalice’s gift catalogue is your best place to find gifts for the baby showers, Baptisms, weddings, birthdays, and graduations you have on your […]