Tag Archives: family

The power of sponsorship

The power of sponsorship is ensuring a child’s education isn’t something they have to leave behind. Sponsoring a child supports them through education and your belief in them inspires them to work harder.   María Jesús is a mother of four girls, aged six to 24, two of whom are sponsored through Chalice’s Yapacaní site.   Eight […]

A dignified house for a family in India

Having your own house in a developing country is mostly impossible. Mathani, her husband, and 5 children lived in a deficient house near our Nellore site in India. The family constantly worried about the rain, insects – or even reptiles – coming into their little hut.  Their house required extensive repairs that the family could […]

Hard work and the right support give Kurtis and her family a bright future

The youngest of three children, Kurtis is bright and determined to succeed. Kurtis and her family have endured many difficult times through the years, including losing her dear father to kidney failure when she was just a toddler. This placed a huge responsibility on her mother who now had to raise her three children alone […]