Tag Archives: Africa

Borehole well resolves water needs in Ghana

In Ghana, the dry seasons have been longer this year while the fertile rainy seasons have shortened. In rural northern Ghana where Bu Roman Catholic Primary School is located– which is attended by many sponsored students from our Nandom site. Due to its rural location, the school faces many challenges and access to water has […]

Clean and safe water for Kenya

One of the communities our Meru site in Kenya serves is Kangeta and the population relies on small-scale agriculture and animal husbandry. Unfortunately, the rainfall amount they receive each year classifies the region as “semi-arid.” This leads to water shortages and travel long distances for families in search of water. 

How Can Special Money Make a Difference?

Chalice donors know sponsorship makes an impact on children every day around the world. But what some might not know is there are other ways to support your sponsored child. Around here, we call it ‘special money.’   That’s when a sponsor chooses to donate extra money to their sponsored child, elder or family. But does […]

Food Brings Happiness to Schoolchildren

“A hungry man is an angry man”, they say, and Ajugboul has seen that firsthand. The elderly woman lives in one of the remote villages surrounding our Wa site in Ghana, and used to quarrel with her two grandsons over not having enough food to eat. The boys were abandoned by their parents, and finding […]

Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Worker’ photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. This past week in Canada, people across the country celebrated Labour Day. A day of rest and vacation, it’s historically a time to celebrate workers and their achievements. Chalice works with hard workers around […]

High-Fives For Handwashing In Tanzania

At our Mbinga site in Tanzania, life already isn’t easy for many schoolchildren. Rural Tanzanian students often live in poverty, while their parents struggle to afford school fees. Children often drop out, further widening the poverty cycle. Around 70% of schoolchildren ages 14-17 aren’t enrolled in secondary education. When COVID-19 swept the world, it certainly […]