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St. Patricks’ Primary School is in the town of Gilgil in Kenya’s Nakuru county.

Catholic missionaries opened the school in 1946. Today, they have 877 students running from grade one to grade eight and 201 pre-primary students. They have 18 teachers, 4 pre-primary teachers and 4 support staff.

They have 15 classrooms, with an average of 60 students per class.

What’s the Chalice connection?

Chalice has run our sponsorship program in Gilgil since 2011, through our Saidia sponsor site. We sponsor children living in the Saidia Children’s Home (orphanage) and children who live with their families.

We have also helped St. Patrick’s Primary meet some urgent needs through our gift catalogue program.

St. Patrick’s big challenge

St. Patrick students’ parents must focus their limited resources on their family’s basic needs. Mostly, that’s food. There are very few jobs available in their community, and most rely on casual agricultural labour or low-wage work in town. There is no extra room in their budgets for books, school supplies, or helping the school out with expenses. The school must meet their students’ school needs.

How you can help

When you become St. Patrick’s sister school, you can make a big difference by providing:

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