Category Archives: News

A great gift meets a real need

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! For all the gift givers—give more than presents that fade. A great gift meets a real need. Every year, Chalice creates a Christmas gift catalogue filled with the most essential items for you to decide among. Our local site staff carefully consider the items they deem ‘essential’ […]

A Heartwarming Christmas for 1,900 Children

Every year, the Yapacani site undertakes “Navilandia” – a multi-day Christmas event for sponsored and non-sponsored children. Noemi, a leader in our Yapacani site, says “Christmas is a time where families gather to spend time together.” “It is the holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, a very important day for Christians because God […]

Warm Welcome At Njiru Health Centre

Health centres near our sites help families by improving access to medical services. Njiru Health Centre, in Kenya, opened in 2007. The centre opened as a dispensary serving the underprivileged communities in Nairobi’s dense urban neighbourhoods. These are the same communities served by Chalice’s Nairobi sponsor site. In the intervening years, Njiru has become an […]

World Food Day!

World Food Day! World Food Day raises awareness about the challenges of food insecurity. Most of the world’s hungry live in developing countries. Chalice donors helped fill plates around the world by becoming lunch buddies. Our Amanecer sponsor site is in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Chalice has partnered with the Amanecer Religious Foundation since 2004. The Foundation […]

Sponsorship: Through Five Artist’s Eyes

By popular request, we’ve done something new this year. We’ve printed Christmas cards featuring artwork by sponsored youth, and one highly creative sponsor. You can get your set of ten cards for a donation here or by clicking the link below. Let’s meet the artists! All proceeds from Christmas card donations go to our Christmas […]

Sponsorship: Through Andy’s Eyes

Andy is eleven years old and has many, many enthusiasms. “l like to study a lot, I’m good at math, and I like to play soccer,” he begins as his list of interests and aptitudes. His zeal also extends to cereal with yogurt, helping his mother cook (and eat) lasagna, and anything to do with […]

Sponsorship: Through Hilary’s Eyes

Much has changed since Chalice staff first met Hilary. At the time, he was a four-year-old scamp who liked playing hide-and-seek with his sister, Jeniffer. They lived with their mother, Josphine, in a one-room mud house. Now twenty, and pursuing college, Hilary is contemplative about his childhood. “I am a kid raised by a single […]

Sponsorship: Through Jacqueline’s Eyes

“Since she was little,” says Don Bosco site worker Antonio, “Jacqueline has stood out, at school and at home, with her hands as a drawing artist.” Jacqueline grew up with her mother, Isabel, and two brothers. They live in a community where our Don Bosco sponsor site works. Our partners are a Salesian initiative; the […]