Category Archives: Critical Needs

Radhika’s surgery, Tamil, India

Radhika's surgery, Tamil, India

Funding Request: $1,715.76 CAD Critical Need: CNITL1124 Radhika lives with her husband and two children in a small village in Tamil Nadu state. Her youngest, Prasanna, is studying in grade eight with the support of a Chalice sponsor. Radhika has a physical disability, and her husband, Muthukumar, works as an agricultural daily wage laborer. In […]

Margret’s bone reconstruction surgery, Meru, Kenya

Margret's bone reconstruction surgery, Meru, Kenya

Funding Request: $2,045.42 CAD Critical Need: CNKMR1224 Marget is a single mother of four children, three of whom have Chalice sponsors. In 2020, after some family turmoil, Margret moved with her children into the area of Chalice’s Meru sponsor site. There, she began her own grocery business. Her children left school after the move, but […]

Zakayo’s eye trauma surgery, Nairobi, Kenya

Zakayo stands with his arms crossed looking at the camera. He is wearing a black zip jacket and has a large bandage on his face, extending from his mid forehead towards his left ear, covering his left eye. He is standing against a beige wall of a clinic.

Funding request:  $4,002.40 CAD  Critical Need: CN-KNK1124 Zakayo is a carpenter and a father of six children. Zakayo, 68, is a trained carpenter, and he tries to support his family with occasional, casual work in the city. His son, Willys, is sponsored through the Nairobi site.  Zakayo was violently attacked by a gang while returning […]

Kervens’ orchiopexy surgery, Haiti South, Haiti

A young boy, Kervens Pierre, from Chalice's Haiti South sponsor site in Haiti looks at the camera wearing a bright yellow shirt. Kervens is standing in a bleak room in front of a turquoise door.

Funding Request: $2,776.62 CAD Critical Need: CN-HHJ1124B  Kervens is 13 years old and lives with his mother, grandmother, and several siblings and cousins in a countryside community in southern Haiti. His mother, Marie, does not have formal employment – she earns what she can from a small farm. In the country’s cost-of-living crisis, her farm’s […]

Arockiasamy cranial surgery after traffic accident, Tamil, India

Funding Request: $8,354.41 CAD Critical Need: CN-ITP0824 Arockiasamy is the 67-year-old grandfather of sponsored child Jaikar. He lives with his wife, his son Augustin, and his grandson in our Tamil site in India. Jaikar is Deaf and his Chalice sponsor is a significant help for his family because he has ongoing medical needs. In June […]