Category Archives: Bolivia

Equal Opportunities after-school program, Guadalupe, Bolivia

The COVID-19 crisis forced teachers and students alike to figure out how to conduct classes online. Low-income families, like those involved in Chalice’s Guadalupe sponsor site, lacked equal access to computers or internet-enabled devices (i.e., tablets, phones) to take part in virtual classes. Many children fell behind, and the country is still grappling with the […]

A Journey of #Hope24 this Advent

It’s time for an Advent countdown! Pope Francis has announced that the 2025 Jubilee Year will focus on one powerful theme- Hope. In preparation for this special year, he has asked us to pray and prepare our hearts throughout 2024. And with all the Christmas chaos…. a little extra dose of hope in the weeks […]

School Support Program for Children and Youth, PENNT, Bolivia

Support Program for Children and Youth, PENNT, Bolivia

Multiply the impact of your giving! A generous donor will match your donations to this program. Double your impact and spread even more love and support to those in need. Students in the agricultural city of Cochabamba, Bolivia face many barriers to staying in school. On a municipal level, public education resources and government engagement […]

Sponsorship: Through Andy’s Eyes

Andy is eleven years old and has many, many enthusiasms. “l like to study a lot, I’m good at math, and I like to play soccer,” he begins as his list of interests and aptitudes. His zeal also extends to cereal with yogurt, helping his mother cook (and eat) lasagna, and anything to do with […]

Lucas Elías stays in good spirits even after a terrible bike accident

Nine-year-old Lucas Elías stays in good spirits even after a terrible bike accident. He was on his way to his classmate’s house near our Yapacaní sponsor site in Bolivia when he took a terrible fall and faced some serious injuries. Pictured in the wheelchair is Lucas Elías giving us a thumbs up. Although his recovery […]

Making Dreams Possible: The Gift of Sponsorship

From elementary all the way to tossing her cap at graduation, María Belén is thankful for being sponsored while growing up. Due to sponsorship “I am the person I am,” she says. “Since my primary studies, [my sponsor has been] a great support – not only for me but for my family.” They helped her […]

The Gift that Can’t Wait

Through the ‘While We Wait’ fund, the child and their family can begin participating in the program from the moment they’re enrolled.

Ponciana is cured from a tumor thanks to the Critical Needs fund

Ponciana is the mother of five children and currently lives alone with her youngest daughter, María Nicol, who is sponsored through our Yapacani site in Bolivia. Ponciana has been experiencing headaches for several years, but in July, the pain became unbearable.  

Parents and their children fall in love with gardening in Bolivia

The “Sagrado Corazón de Jesús” daycare is a splash of colour among the brown buildings of Cochabamba, Bolivia. The centre offers pre-school education and, importantly, nutritious snacks and meals daily, with support from Chalice’s nutrition program.  For the littlest ones, trying new foods can be challenging. Fresh produce isn’t always easy for their parents to […]