House repairs bring security to Samar families

One of the long-cherished dreams of families at our Samar sponsor site in the Philippines is to build a life where the social, cultural, and economic capabilities of each family member are nurtured and developed. A great starting point for families to start reaching for success together is by owning a safe and secure home. For most low-income earners, including sponsored families at our site, this lifetime dream is often so difficult to achieve due to inadequate space and insufficient finances.

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Photo Friday: Our top 5 “elder” photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

Elders are an integral part of our families and communities. They formed and raised each and every family in the world today, pass down and preserve traditions, and continue to share their unique gifts and talents with their loved ones, friends, families, and communities.

This week, we’re sharing our top 5 “elder” photos from our sites! In addition to child sponsorship, some of our sites have a sponsorship program for elders. Elders with little or no family support can rely on sponsorship and their Chalice site for food, medical support, and companionship! We’re so happy to be able to partner with our supporters to help give our elders the opportunity to live safe and dignified lives.

#5: Mario’s support system

Don Mario, a retired farmer, is sponsored through our Don Bosco site in Paraguay. His father was sponsored until his passing ten years ago, at which time Mario began receiving support. Mario’s passion was playing the accordion, but unfortunately he had to sell it to cover living expenses.

Most of his sponsorship funds go towards medicine and food. He has four brothers and four sisters, one of whom lives next door and keeps an eye on him, helping him to arrange his weekly visits to the hospital. He is very grateful to his sponsor for helping him make ends meet and live comfortably!

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Photo Friday: Our top 5 “lunch time” photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

Lunch time is an especially important part of the day for growing minds and bodies. Students at our sites need nutritious, filling meals to help them focus on their studies! Thanks to donations to our nutrition fund, our sites are able to support all sorts of school lunch programs.

This week, we’re sharing our top 5 “lunch time” photos from our sites! Getting meals ready takes a lot of work, and we’d love to take you through some of the steps that our staff, teachers, families, volunteers, and children take to prepare and enjoy meals together. It’s really a group effort!

#5: First, you have to cook the food!

Thanks to sponsorship, Liseth, from Cochabamba, Bolivia, was able to attend school. As she grew up, she frequented the after-school support program at her Chalice site, where she received help with her homework and a daily nutritious meal from the soup kitchen.

Liseth grew up watching staff at the kitchen prepare meals and knew in her heart that she wanted to cook for a living. She’s now studying to become a chef, and works at a local soup kitchen to help pay for her studies. She feeds over 100 daycare-aged children every day, and loves giving back to the community!
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Relief for vulnerable families and elders in Chile

So far, Chalice’s COVID-19 disaster fund has distributed nearly $613,000 to families at our sites who have been hit the hardest by the global pandemic. At our Arica site in Chile, $12,453.35 was used to help sponsored children and elders, including non-sponsored elders with chronic medical conditions who were abandoned by their families and are living alone.

In Chile, elders over the age of 75 were prohibited from going outside regularly due to the pandemic, forcing them to make quick outings to higher priced neighborhood convenience stores because they had no one to travel to nearby cheaper supermarkets for them. While elders in Chile do receive a small pension, it is barely enough to survive. Without family support, most seniors live a lonely existence, unable to afford their medications or nutritious food. According to a report by the Ministry of Social Development, the price of a basic food basket rose in October 2019, then again in January, and doubled in April 2020, making it even harder for poor elders and families to make ends meet.

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Photo Friday: Our top 5 “baby” photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

Among the littlest of our beneficiaries (and the cutest) are babies and toddlers. New moms living in poverty stricken areas are often left struggling to find the essentials needed to raise their children. Sponsorship and other projects and programs give families the hand-up they need to give their babies a healthy, happy start to life.

This week, we’re sharing our top 5 “baby” photos from our sites! These precious photos showcase all sorts of adorable babies and their caretakers. We hope you enjoy this sweet collection!

#5: Support from Sisters

Sr. Amala, the site director for our Madurai site in India visits a mom and her newborn in the maternity unit of a hospital in Batlagandu, which is located right next to the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod convent. Mom and baby seem to be doing wonderful, thanks to the great care they received!
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Khrystyna’s future blossoms with the support of sponsorship

When Khrystyna was growing up, her family lived a humble life. Her father worked part-time as a construction worker while her mother stayed home to care for her and her younger brother, Yuri. The family shared one bedroom in Khrysytna’s grandfather’s house, as they couldn’t afford a home of their own. They didn’t have enough money for even the most basic necessities such as food and clothing.

Sponsorship changed everything for not only Khrystyna, but her entire family. When six-year-old Khrystyna was chosen by a Chalice sponsor, her family received food packages, hygiene products, and other household goods! She and her brother started eating healthier food, wearing warm clothing, and had everything they needed to start school.

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Photo Friday: Our top 5 “school uniform” photos

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

In order to receive a quality education, children need to be prepared with the right supplies. Books, shoes, bags, and clothing ensure that students are comfortable during the day and able to complete their classwork. School uniforms can be especially helpful, as they allow children from all backgrounds to be dressed in school appropriate attire each day.

This week, we’re sharing our top 5 “school uniforms” photos from our sites. Thanks to child sponsorship and other kind donations, many children from our sites are dressed for school in fresh and comfortable school uniforms.

#5: Little learners

These adorable students from our Haiti North site are dressed and ready for a full day of learning. Though each school usually features different uniforms, school uniforms in Haiti all have one thing in common; the girls all wear beautiful, intricate ribbons in their hair.
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Photo Friday: Our top 5 “essential worker” photos

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

It’s almost the Labour Day long weekend! For many, this signals the end of summer, but Labour Day is also an important date. This annual holiday celebrates the achievements of workers! It’s also a time to recognize and celebrate the labour union movement, and rights and safety for workers everywhere.

This week, we’re sharing our top 5 “essential workers” photos from our sites. These shots feature all sorts of workers in various important roles. Parents, site staff, and former sponsored children all have an essential part to play in their communities!

#5: Medical monitoring

Elien is the main scientist and lab technician in Grand-Bassin’s medical clinic, located near our Haiti North site. He performs tests that help diagnose, monitor and treat conditions of patients in the community. Without him, children and families would be unable to receive essential medical care needed to prevent serious illnesses. Way to go, Elien!
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Heading back to school with help from supporters

Just like in Canada, teachers and students around the world are preparing for a back-to-school season like no other. The return to classes is going to look very different from country to country with changes due to the pandemic taking place around the world. Students in Tanzania returned to school at the end of June, while schools in Bolivia will remain closed for the entire academic year. Other countries, such as Ukraine, are looking at ways to re-arrange classes and schedules to allow for safe learning.

During all this change, one thing remains the same; the children’s need for school supplies. Items such as uniforms, notebooks, pencils, art supplies, bookbags, and shoes are daunting expenses for parents each year, especially in large families.

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Photo Friday: Our top 5 “eat your veggies” photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

Vegetables are an integral part of a balanced diet. Thanks to school farming programs, kitchen gardens, and donations to our nutrition programs, many schools and families at our sites are able to grow hearty veggies to incorporate into meals. These diverse vegetables keep growing children healthy and strong!

This week, we’re sharing our top 5 “eat your veggies” photos from our sites. These shots feature kids harvesting, preparing, and enjoying all sorts of colourful produce. Maybe these vegetable-filled pictures will inspire other children to eat their veggies, too!

#5: An a-maize-ing school farm!

At our Mbinga site in Tanzania, Chalice donors help support Lukala School’s farming program, which maintains four acres of land to grow corn, sweet potatoes, cassava, and an assortment of other fruits and vegetables. Donors have also helped provide the school with fencing, a modern school kitchen, and an eco stove. The school’s lunch program uses the corn and other vegetables to feed a student population of 360 and growing!
Continue reading “Photo Friday: Our top 5 “eat your veggies” photos!”