St. Therese Inspired This Fundraiser for Ukraine

Taking a leaf out of St. Therese’s Little Way, Kristin McCarthy has launched a small fundraiser with big heart.  The owner of Kristin McCarthy Designs in Rockwood, Ontario, Kristin has begun making small, woollen Ukrainian flags. She’s selling them and donating the money to a special cause: Chalice’s sites in Ukraine. 

An Update On Our Sites in Ukraine

As many of our supporters know, Ukraine is in the middle of a tense political conflict with Russia. Chalice serves three sites in Ukraine: Lviv, Ternopil, and Pochaiv. Sponsored children and their families are safe, and the needs of families have not changed. They’re still dealing with COVID-19 and an increased cost of living, putting …

How Sponsorship Helped a Whole Family

Motivation, food, and education – just some of the gifts Chalice donors give when they sponsor a child or elder.   Yet sponsorship does even more than that. If you pull back the curtain, you’ll see the blessings go beyond just one person, extending to entire families. Yuliya, a sponsored child near our Ternopil site in Ukraine, is the perfect example of how sponsorship makes a difference in the lives …

Our Top Tips for Giving Joy This Christmas

Ah, Christmas. Just that word evokes the sound of tiny feet tumbling down the stairs to tear open presents, crackling fires, and the clanging of dishes on the table while family members reunite after months apart.   It’s no secret that exchanging gifts is one thing that makes Christmas magical, but toys and trinkets aren’t the only way to give …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Festive Food’ photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! It’s the time of week we sure our favourite snaps from our sponsor sites around the world.  Our American neighbours just celebrated Thanksgiving, with delicious food all ‘round! And while we wait for the coming of Christ, there’s no reason we can’t have a sneak peek at some of the delicious eats awaiting us in December. Ukraine has plenty …

Pochaiv Program Will Bring Hope to Teens

Take a moment, and think of a young person in your life. Maybe it’s a child, or a sibling, or a friend’s child. Now, imagine that person is usually sent to live with relatives so their parents can find work in another country – and then, picture even that work disappearing when COVID-19 hit. Think of …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Joy of Winter’ photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.  Winds are biting at your face, while your feet are covered in slush. It’s time to put on your gloves, step out the door, and own up to the truth: winter is coming.  But never fear! Winter …

Sponsorship is Music to Iryna’s Ears

Beautiful young Iryna was the first daughter born to her parents. They were already wrangling three sons by the time she came along, and it was, well, a lot. With a baby and three young boys, her mother Olha gave up her job as a music teacher to focus on being a full-time mom. Despite Iryna’s father working as a driver, the family struggled …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Overcoming Challenges’ photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.  Have you ever heard of ‘No-spend November?’ Or ‘Movember?’ November is the month of challenges, and the people at our Ukraine site in Europe have faced their fair share of challenges.   But that doesn’t mean challenges can’t be …