Rupali began dreaming big

Children are big dreamers; their imaginations soar with endless possibilities like becoming a superhero, doctor, or astronaut. For Rupali, her visions were cut short when she was younger, she didn’t think further than her family’s basic needs. However, when Rupali received sponsorship through Chalice, she began envisioning her future differently. 

Attention: Bright future ahead!

Many families in India do not have experience with formal education and dropout rates are high. Guatham dreamed about becoming successful. Chalice donors opened new doors and great opportunities for a boy who began to believe he may not achieve his life goals. Education is an important aspect of life. Growing up the twenty-year-old from …

Chalice donors support a young boy’s surgery, after a serious fall from his bicycle

When 16-year-old Jayesh experienced a serious fall from his bike, Chalice donors helped him rise up through the Critical Needs Fund.   Jayesh, who lives with his parents and older sister in India, was enjoying a bike ride not far from our Mangalagiri site when he unexpectedly hit a pothole and crashed to the ground. Jayesh …

A dignified house for a family in India

Having your own house in a developing country is mostly impossible. Mathani, her husband, and 5 children lived in a deficient house near our Nellore site in India. The family constantly worried about the rain, insects – or even reptiles – coming into their little hut.  Their house required extensive repairs that the family could …