Our top 5 tips for ‘being a little more of a child yourself’!

This time, we’re sharing our top 5 tips for ‘being a little more of a child yourself’!

Saint John Henry Newman’s words grace the cover of our Christmas gift catalogue this year. It comes from a longer quote of his:

“May each Christmas, as it comes, find us more and more like Him, who at this time became a little child for our sake, more simple-minded, more humble, more holy, more affectionate, more resigned, more happy, more full of God.”

Christmas is all about children – both the young in body and in spirit. Christ became a child, entrusting himself to the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph to be with us, his children.

Every gift from our catalogue can be a delight for children, and in giving, you are making a humble, affectionate, and certainly happy act. But here are our five top gift suggestions for becoming a little more of a child yourself.

P.S. Our 2024 gift catalogue is here!

#5: Piglets

They’ll grow up to be hardy livestock and a terrific investment; but roly-poly piglets they bring out the child in everyone. Natalya, a mother in Ukraine, gets a kick out of listening to her mother, Lyuba, and her son Denys, fawn over the piglets they received from the gift catalogue. “It is so cute to see when they discuss how to take care of the piglets.”

#4: Sunscreen and Sunhats

Unlike many squirming children, the sponsored students with albinism relish the slathering on of sunblock. Their sensitive skin burns easily, and living in a sunny country like Zambia, that keeps them cooped up inside. The gift of sunscreen is the gift of going outside and playing soccer with their friends!

#3: School Lunches

‘School lunches’ may conjure images of Disney-themed lunch totes, sandwiches, and juice boxes. Not so in our sponsor sites. Around the world, school lunches are serious business. In many areas, the meals offered through our nutrition programs are the only meal children will receive all day. They are balanced, hearty, and specially made to fuel children’s minds and bodies. Schools with meal programs see huge boosts in attendance and test scores. They mean happy, focused children, productive teachers, and relieved parents.

#2: Children’s Books

“A book is a spiritual salvation capable of changing the world around for the better,” says Yurii, a social worker in our Pochaiv site, Ukraine. When children can get lost in a riveting story, they are transported to other worlds, other times, and other ways of thinking. Children love stories, and they’re having too much fun to realize these tales hold great lessons and are a gateway to a life-long love of literature.

#1: A Christmas celebration!

What better way to become a little child at Christmas than to spend even a few minutes at a party? Chalice believes that every child – not just sponsored ones – needs a little Christmas sparkle and fun. Each sponsored site finds its own way to mix holy reverence with playful merriment; you can be sure to find prayer, treats, meals, song, and plenty of laughter.

Follow Chalice on Facebook and Instagram for daily updates from our sponsor sites, impact stories, and more! Check out our 2024 Christmas Gift Catalogue for more gift ideas.