Mongam achieves his childhood dreams thanks to sponsorship

Mongam, a twenty-one-year-old from India, had dreamed about his future since childhood. He envisioned a career in medical studies, but he understood that his family’s financial situation meant his parents wouldn’t be able to afford it.  

Mongam grew up in northern India with his parents, two brothers, and two sisters, Mongam’s family lived in a two-room mud house without running water, electricity, or indoor latrine facility. His father worked as a construction laborer and engaged in small-scale paddy farming, while his mother worked as a vegetable vendor. Despite their efforts, their earnings barely covered their expenses. 

In India, it is very difficult for parents who are poor to provide their children with a good education. Children are often encouraged to drop out of school at an early age and work to help support their families.  

Mongam’s parents struggled to afford his schooling when he was little, but everything changed when he was chosen for sponsorship by a Chalice donor. Sponsorship ensured that he received a good education by providing school materials, books, and fees. This support enabled him to complete high school with excellent grades. Everyone could see he had a promising future. 

“I was encouraged by [Chalice’s] Imphal site to sit the [national] medical entrance examination,” he says, “which was also my dream since my childhood.” 

In the weeks leading up to the exam, his passion for his dream hit the cold reality of the costs.  The books and tutoring that would give him an advantage were too expensive for his parents to afford.  However, these resources and books were necessary to pass. He described his ambition to sit the exam as ‘far-sighted.’ Although his parents didn’t have the means to cover the expenses, they knew how committed Mongam was.  

“With my consistency and hard work, encouragement and support from my parents, relatives, teachers, friends and especially Chalice sponsorship [from] Canada, I finally achieved my dream.” 

Today, Mongam is in his first year of his Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree. Now, thinking of the future isn’t far-sighted. After finishing this degree, he plans to sit another competitive national exam that qualifies recruits in esteemed civil service positions. 

Why? “To help the poor and needy families like mine,” Mongam says. 

“I want to thank Chalice for being supportive and encouraging me and my family. Without your help and prayers my small achievement would be impossible.” 

Sponsorship plays a special role in keeping children in school and helping them achieve their career goals. Just like Mongam, many children have dreams they wish to fulfill. By sponsoring a child, you can bring joy and fulfillment to another young student. Click here to discover who your next sponsored friend could be! 

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