Daryna went from a young hospital patient to a medical graduate

Daryna grew up knowing her way around hospitals. As a little girl, she was constantly sick with a kidney condition. But this inspired her passion for medicine she wanted to make a difference. Although the hospital was not her ideal setting as a child, her time there gave her a firm goal in life: to be a doctor one day.  

Daryna lives in Lviv, Ukraine, with her parents, grandparents, and three brothers in an old house without indoor plumbing. Her father worked as a police officer, and her mother was a housewife. Due to her family’s living situation, Daryna knew that her goal to be a doctor was a distant dream, but she still held on to her vision. 

Her parents “tried with all their might to provide adequate nutrition and medical care for the children,” the Lviv site staff say. But her “father’s income did not cover all the family’s needs. In those circumstances, it was difficult for their family.”  

The Lviv site staff knew Daryna could use additional support from Chalice’s sponsorship program. Child sponsorship provides proper nutrition, medical care, and educational materials. This would improve Daryna’s quality of life and provide her with more opportunities. Since she was a great candidate for the program, the site staff enrolled her.  

Daryna became a sponsored child through Chalice in 2005, which has made a significant impact on her life. “Thanks to sponsorship, Daryna received full meals and funds for her primary needs,” staff say. “With great pleasure,” Daryna “always attended all educational and entertainment events.” 

Now, twenty-three-year-old Daryna is a “diligent and persistent” student. Even though she had medical conditions, she never let go of her childhood goal.  

“Currently, Daryna is studying at a medical university in her last year,” staff say. She is determined to get a particular internship to become a specialist and devotes her time to studying. 

“Daryna and her family express their gratitude to Chalice and their sponsor, who have always been there for all these years and extended a hand of help and support and became an example of kindness and love for them,” site staff say. 

Daryna cannot thank her sponsors enough. “All these positive changes her life and her family would not have been possible without Chalice sponsorship and support,” site staff says.  

Sponsorship plays a special role in keeping children in school and helping them achieve their career goals. Just like Daryna, many children have dreams they wish to fulfill. By sponsoring a child, you can bring joy and fulfillment to another young student. Click here to discover who your next sponsored friend could be! 

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