Critical Needs help Ilona to return a fulfilling life

Our critical needs fund improves and saves lives around the world. In this case, our friend Ilona in our Pochaiv site, Ukraine, was living a happy and healthy life. When suddenly, the doctor found something concerning at her annual check up. 

Ilona’s doctor suspected she had diabetes. But for this condition to appear so suddenly and progress so rapidly, they needed to send for highly specialized diagnostic tests, some of which come with steep price tags. Unfortunately, the tests confirmed the doctor’s diagnosis.  

Ilona needed to check her blood sugar levels 4-5 times per day to monitor it. She was performing these tests by pricking her finger, but this is quite painful. However, they found that there are much better technologies available, such as a ‘smart’ sensor that connects to her mobile phone, but that would require both the sensor technology and an upgraded phone.

Ilona and her mother had a big challenge to face. Ilona was pretty upset – as an elite pianist she couldn’t play her piano as her fingers were too swollen. They were also worried about her insulin injection sites becoming infected.

Ilonas’s mother worries continued to rise, as she continued to try and support her two daughters on her single income as a technician in Ukraine’s disrupted economy. She turned to her Chalice family circle for help with the costs of Ilona’s medication, special diet, and monitoring device, all of which are beyond her family’s budget.

The Pochaiv sponsor site heard about Ilona’s case, and they requested a critical need of one year of medication and supplies costs, which included a smartphone and flash glucose monitoring system. This would allow her doctors to determine why the disease is progressing so rapidly and to help stabilize Ilona’s condition.

Thanks to the generosity of Chalice supporters, the fund was completed, and the site immediately paid for all drugs, medicines, tests, and sensors to help stabilize Ilona’s condition.

Ilona’s blues lifted, and “she is feeling better and learning to live with this disease in a new way.” writes Roman, Pochaiv site director. The phone and the sensor are very helpful, bringing peace of mind, especially at night. A special program on the phone and sensor notifies them if Ilona’s sugar level rises.

Best of all, the finger-prick tests are a thing of the past.

Ilona and her mother “constantly thank all Canadian benefactors and donors who helped with every cent for Ilona’s health, [that] helped to return to a fulfilling life.” writes Roman.

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