From Hopeful Student to Successful Nurse in Haiti

Growing up near our Haiti North site, life wasn’t always easy on Djenica. 

Though she was incredibly smart, her parents couldn’t afford the school supplies to further her studies. Even buying food and clothes, the basic necessities, was a challenge for them.  

When she was 11 years old, and desperately needed it, Djenica was chosen by a Chalice sponsor.  

“After the first sponsor chose me, I began to feel better because I found food, school supplies, shoes, clothes,” she writes. 

Not only were the necessities covered, but her family made the most of their family funding bank account.  

The funding allowed her parents to save some money, setting them up for success. Later, thanks to Chalice donors, they received a chicken coop they could use to help make a living.  

Djenica sailed through primary and secondary classes, and was blessed to attend university. She studied nursing, where she flourished and received her degree.  

It was time, then, to thank her Chalice sponsor for all they’d done.  

“I am proud to show you how you have helped me to change my life and how great you are in my heart,” Djenica writes.  

“I do not have enough words to express Chalice’s compassion and kindness to me and my family and all the other beneficiaries.  

Thank you for taking the initiative to help me over the years, and I am very grateful to you.”  

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