Our Top Tips for Giving Joy This Christmas

Ah, Christmas. Just that word evokes the sound of tiny feet tumbling down the stairs to tear open presents, crackling fires, and the clanging of dishes on the table while family members reunite after months apart.  

It’s no secret that exchanging gifts is one thing that makes Christmas magical, but toys and trinkets aren’t the only way to give joy. Inspired by our sponsor sites around the world, we’re here with our top tips for giving joy this Christmas season.  

Preparing and Sharing 

At our Ternopil site in Ukraine, the head of the family blesses the food at the table on Christmas Eve, before blessing each dinner attendee. Indeed, Christmas Eve is believed to be the time for miracles. 

Melding spices together into a scrumptious meal and sharing the fruits of that hard work is a simple, joyful staple at Christmas. Letting your little ones help with the stirring and mixing – that’s precious time and joy you won’t get back. 

A Good Ol’ Fashioned Hug 

A gentle hug from a loved one lights up a dreary dayThese sweet kids at our Haiti North site are the epitome of joy, and we hope their faces give you something to smile about. If you’re looking for a quick gift for a loved one, look no further than a hug. 

Giving to Someone in Need 

Canadians donate billions to charity every year, and the Christmas season is prime time for giving. It’s the time to appreciate all we have, and consider giving back to those who have less. 

And what better way to do that than through the Chalice Gift Catalogue? From mosquito nets to medicine to food for a family, there’s something for everyone. You can purchase the gift in honour of someone you know, and receive a free e-card to share with them. It’s a great way to teach children about generosity, and most of all, helps someone who would otherwise go without. 

Tall Tales 

Who has the best reading voice: Mom or Dad? Answer: both.  

Tucking the kids into bed with a story is a heartwarming experience for parent and child. A hunger for reading, a thirst for knowledge and a love for the crunch a new book makes as you crack the spine – those are some of the best gifts parents can pass on. Whether borrowed from a library or purchased from a used or new bookstore, reading a Christmas story with your child (or grandchild, or nieces and nephews) will give joy that lasts a lifetime.  

Follow Chalice on Facebook and Instagram for daily updates from our sponsor sites, impact stories, and more! Check out our 2021 Christmas Gift Catalogue for more gift ideas.