Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Overcoming Challenges’ photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. 

Have you ever heard of ‘No-spend November?’ Or ‘Movember?’ November is the month of challenges, and the people at our Ukraine site in Europe have faced their fair share of challenges.  

But that doesn’t mean challenges can’t be overcome. After all, the families, elders and children at our sponsor sites in Ukraine are radiant and strong. So this Photo Friday, we’re celebrating that strength with our top 5 ‘Overcoming Challenges’ photos! 

#5: Sewing Saviour 

Rokyni Village School near our Pochaiv site had a life-skills class that taught sewing and tailoring – but there was only one sewing machine! With the help of Chalice gift catalogue donations, the school received new sewing machines. Children can learn a skill for life and design their own clothes. 

#4: Perfect Pierogi 

Parents, this is for you: teaching your kids to cook is hard! Moms at our Pochaiv site were challenged to teach their kids the art of pierogi-making. They look pretty darn good! 

#3: A Safe Place to Eat

The cafeteria at the Holoby Village school near our Pochaiv site was in dire need of renovations. The tiles were falling off the walls, and moisture seeped through them, making the room damp. Thanks to Chalice gift catalogue donors, 700 students can now eat their carefully prepared meals in a safe, warm, comfortable room. The school staff repaired the walls and the tiles, and they installed a special door that allows the children to return their dishes for washing.  

“On behalf of the staff, student and parents of Holoby Village School, thank you very much!” writes Natalia, the Principal. “It’s incredible to know you’ve found it possible to help us at this challenging time of the fight with COVID-19.” 

#2: Smiles of Joy

Everyone in Lyusya’s family is affected by severe health problems, including her. She’s been disabled since birth.  

Suffering from a life-threatening form of type 1 diabetes known as the Somogyi effect (chronic overdose of insulin), Lyusya also lives with chronic kidney disease, myotonia (delayed relaxation of muscles), and mixed astigmatism in both eyes. 

Despite the challenges she faces, Lyusya approaches every day with a smile on her face! She’s from our Ternopil site.  

#1: Sponsor Love

Iryna and her family live in a small village near Chalice’s Lviv sponsor site. She’s been raising four children on her own, and her income is limited. That’s why she’s grateful to her son Markian’s Chalice sponsor.  

Iryna and her children had to spend all their time in one room of the house, because their dilapidated windows made the other rooms too damp and cold. Making matters worse, last winter in Ukraine saw plunging temperatures and abnormally high snowfall. Iryna could not afford to replace or repair the windows.  

Through the incredible generosity of Markian’s sponsor, Iryna received the funds to buy and install six brand-new windows in three rooms and the kitchen. Thanks to Markian’s sponsor’s care, the family now has a warm and cozy home. Iryna, her children, and the Lviv site staff all send their deep thanks for the blessing Markian’s sponsor has been to their lives. 

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