Sr. Bindu, Assam site director, India
Lent is a path on our journey that provides opportunities for renewal and deepening of our faith. It serves as a bridge, reconciling us with the Divine and reaffirming our declaration to walk in the light of Christ. Repentance, reconciliation, and reparation are essential elements of Lent that lead us to new life in Christ.
Psalm 51:2 says: “Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.” David acknowledges his sins. Seeking God’s forgiveness, he asks God to wash away his iniquities.
Today we are called on a journey, by God’s grace, on the road to repentance for a spiritual cleansing. Lent reminds us that no sin is too great for God’s mercy, and his grace is always available for those who come to him in humility.
How can I balance my desire for spiritual cleansing with a commitment to addressing physical needs? By providing access to health, hygiene, shelter, and sanitation to those in need, we are not only addressing physical needs but reflecting God’s love and compassion in action.
Lord, in your loving compassion and mercy, scrub away my guilt; rinse out my sins in your laundry. Help me to scrub away the dirt in me and help me embrace your Bliss. Cleanse me, refresh and renew me. God, wash away our iniquity by the blood of Jesus. We praise you for your abundant mercy and your steadfast love in our lives; may we share this love and life with the poor and the needy.
A reflection featured in our Lent Companion, written by Sr. Bindu, Assam site director, India.
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