Ash Wednesday – Embracing Sacrifice and Generosity

Sr. Amala, Madurai site director, India

Lent offers a profound opportunity to delve into themes of sacrifice, atonement, and generosity

This Lenten lens serves to draw closer to God by focusing on spiritual renewal, repentance, and selflessness. Lent encourages acts of charity and generosity, reminding us of the call to serve others and share blessings with those in need, especially the marginalized.

India Madurai Goat

The gift of goats is a reminder that sharing life’s abundance isn’t just about giving, it’s about empowering others to create their own future.

Giving a goat as a gift [through the Chalice gift catalogue] can be deeply symbolic and meaningful in this season. In many cultures, a goat represents sustenance, livelihood, and survival. So, by gifting a goat to a family, you are not only offering a source of nourishment through milk or meat but also enabling long-term economic benefit, such as breeding or farming. This act embodies the Lenten call to give selflessly and make sacrifices for the welfare of others.

This act reflects the true spirit of Lent — going beyond material possessions and extending love, hope, and care to others, especially the marginalized. It transforms faith into action, echoing Christ’s message of compassion and generosity.

Let us be the goat to serve others with all our abilities.

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