Jamesky’s hernia surgery, Haiti South

High school student needs abdominal surgery. 

Funding Request: $2,867.49 CAD 

Critical Need: CNHHJ0125 

Jamesky's hernia surgery, Haiti South

Jamesky is an 18-year-old high school student who loves playing soccer. He lives with his mother, Marie, his siblings, and nieces in a sheet metal home in southern Haiti. Jamesky was sponsored when he was six years old through Chalice’s Haiti South sponsor site. The family relies on what Marie can earn from her small plot of farmland.

Jamesky started having stomach problems and heartburn. Upon visiting the clinic, the doctor discovered a hernia in his lower abdomen. It would require surgical correction in a hospital about two hours south of Jamesky’s home.

The Haiti South site staff composed a budget for his treatment, coming to $2,867.49 CAD. This includes his hospitalization, pre-operative scans, surgery costs, medicine, return trip transportation, food for two people (3 days), and the second round-trip for Jamesky’s two-week follow-up consultation.


Please note that any donations that exceed the request will be used to fund other critical need emergencies that may arise.