Health centres near our sites help families by improving access to medical services. Njiru Health Centre, in Kenya, opened in 2007. The centre opened as a dispensary serving the underprivileged communities in Nairobi’s dense urban neighbourhoods.
These are the same communities served by Chalice’s Nairobi sponsor site. In the intervening years, Njiru has become an accredited government hospital, serving more than one hundred thousand people.
“The hospital comes is a blessing to the community.” Nairobi staff say.
Families in Nairobi struggle with unemployment, illiteracy, and disease. Most families are large one-roomed houses. The area has no proper sewer system resulting in water-borne diseases.
Njiru opened its maternity wing in 2019, in the first three years 3600 babies were welcomed into the world. But they were only equipped to handle uncomplicated births. They didn’t have an operating theatre to provide c-sections. If they had one, the hospital staff estimate they could deliver 300 babies a month. They also had a shortage of medicine and critical equipment like blood pressure and blood sugar monitors and fetal ultrasounds.
Seeing themselves as partners in creating healthier, safer lives for everyone, the Nairobi site decided to help stock the maternity ward with the support of the gift catalogue.
“With the gift catalogue, we put a smile on every family and community member that walks to the hospital, gets attended to, and walks out satisfied,” staff say.
“With the extension of the generosity of Chalice to our sponsored children, families, and communities,” staff say, “we managed to get the hospital some of the crucial hospital equipment that they were in dire need of.”
They donated much needed items like soap, cleaning supplies, test strips, sutures, diapers, and maternity pads. They also provided equipment such as a fetal doppler ultrasound, a hemoglobin metre, and a heater.
“Chalice… likes to work with facilities like Njiru hospital to see a change in our sponsored families and the community,” says the site staff.
“It is indeed a good feeling and a happy time for the whole Njiru community. They are forever indebted to generous Chalice sponsors and donors for the provision of funds that make them realize their dreams!”
You can help us build stronger, healthier families by supporting our communities through our gift catalogue. Give a much-needed gift this Christmas!