Chalice Critical Needs donors help Rasmi win back her voice.

Rasmi’s tongue spoke for itself. The twenty-two-year-old living near Chalice’s Madurai sponsor site in India felt discomfort in her mouth; she and began to stumble over her words and couldn’t ignore the need for medical attention. Thanks to Chalice’s Critical Needs Fund and the miracle of modern medicine, Rasmi regained her speech.

For a few months the Bachelor of Science graduate and tutor had been experiencing a strange sensation in her mouth. Rasmi was having difficulty speaking, as if there was an obstruction on her tongue. In fact, she could feel a growth underneath it. 

“I could not speak well,” recounts Rasmi in a letter. “I was stumbling to speak.” The young woman also developed a rash throughout her body.  

When the pain became more severe, Rasmi went to the hospital. The doctors conducted an MRI which revealed a blood clot under Rasmi’s tongue. She was diagnosed with a mass on her tongue with a lesion – possibly a haemangioma – on the right side. 

The doctors advised immediate surgery for removal of the growth, a procedure that would be a financial burden for Rasmi’s family.   

The family – which consists of Rasmi’s parents, sister, and grandmother – lived together. They relied principally on Rasmi’s father’s income as a fisherman, with Rasmi’s tutoring supplementing it minimally. While her mother recovers from Cancer surgery, Rasmi’s grandmother runs the household. 

Rasmi’s mother shared their situation with her Chalice family circle who, in turn, informed the Madurai site staff. The site put forward a request to Chalice for assistance with Rasmi’s medical expenses.  

Generous Chalice supporters stepped in and Rasmi underwent the procedure to remove the blood clot and treat her skin allergy. She can now speak well again.   

“I was indeed happy that Chalice has helped my family,” Rasmi writes. Now she is back to tutoring her evening classes. “Thank you, Chalice for the invaluable support.”   

Help provide urgent care for those who, like Rasmi, are in desperate need of support. Read about our Critical Needs Fund that supplies assistance for those requiring medical assistance, surgery, and housing repair. 

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