Canadian schools help paint a bigger picture

Meru, Kenya, is full of wildlife and wide-open spaces. The sunsets paint the sky bright and bold colours. The word Meru means ‘shining light.’
However, some areas are not shining quite like others. Kandubai Primary School was one place that was in poor condition. The area around the school is not well supported by public funds, families lack essential resources for their students.

Kenya Meru Kandubai PTA desks nun smile 2023-scr

Meru, one of Chalice’s sponsor sites, focuses on supporting education and encouraging children to achieve high academic performance. Education helps to give children a better future, and so, one of Meru’s key goals is to reduce dropout rates.  

But there were many obstacles in the way of the students learning… 

Their classrooms had timber windows and doors; the wind blew through which kicked dust up making it cold, uncomfortable, and unhygienic. The classes were crowded, and up to five children had to share a single worn down desk. This made learning even more challenging. Additionally, the school had only one water tank.  

Fortunately, the Chalice School Connections program helped Kandubai take a step in the right direction. Canadian schools can connect with our African schools to inspire and create hope! When a Canadian school signs up, they receive a video from their sister school featuring students and teachers. Next, they come up with creative and fun ways to help raise funds to improve the learning environment of the African schools. Kandubai’s school fund reached their goal and was able to begin the process of renovating. When Kandubai heard the news, they were excited to see new and improved classrooms. They couldn’t wait! 

Thanks to all the students who worked to raise funds through Chalice School Connections, now desks are shared by only two students – and they can comfortably complete their work. The pre-primary class has tables and chairs that are their own mini size. Multiple classrooms even got a fresh coat of paint. Kandubai also received a water tank that will be used for both handwashing and irrigation.  

Kandubai Primary School is looking better than ever. Our donors painted vision for young students through their generous efforts. These students were shown that education is worth investing in. All the support and encouragement they’ve received has given them confidence about their future. You can help paint vision too! 

Kandubai is one of the many schools Chalice works with. There is still time for teachers to sign up this Lent and have their students be a part of this program. Read more at 

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