Planting the seeds of hope


After Ajai’s father passed away in a tragic accident 13 years ago, his mother Sudha struggled to make ends meet. “I was helpless at that time, and did not have the helping hands of relatives,” says Sudha.

In 2015, Ajai was accepted in to the Chalice sponsorship program through our STAR site in India. Thanks to God’s grace, he was chosen by a sponsor shortly after. “Sponsorship eased my burden and allowed my children to be educated to a greater extent,” Sudha explains. Ajai’s now a thriving grade 11 student, and his brother has continued his education in college.

With the help of the circle group that helps manage sponsorship funds, Sudha took out a small, low interest loan. Combined with the extra funds from sponsorship, she was able to start her very own agricultural business. She now leases a half-acre of land to grow jasmine flowers, a highly valued product on the Indian market. She’s able to pick flowers every second day for up to six months a year. Her jasmine garden allows her to provide even more support to her family.


Sudha is proud to own her own agricultural business, and is overjoyed by her newfound stability. She’s able to support herself and her children without constantly worrying about her income. “I thank Chalice from the bottom of my heart for providing this wonderful opportunity to fulfill my family’s needs, and allowing me to become self-sufficient,” Sudha says. “Thank you for all your support.”

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