Clean water for Our Lady of Mt. Carmel or Kamuyine school in Kenya!

The community of Mikinduri looks lush and beautiful. It’s as though God made it just for growing bananas and papayas.  But the people are not thriving as well. Most families in Mikinduri, Kenya, are smallholder farmers, relying on rain-fed agriculture for their livelihoods and daily diets. Weather patterns are changing, and that’s affecting harvests. Food …

Bicycles for Asembo

Oh what fun it is to ride! Children are reaching destinations and milestones with the help of their new bicycle. Children in our Asembo site, Kenya, are thrilled to have a new way of transportation for students to get to school. You can give a child a bicycle through our gift catalogue. A bike makes …

Kodogo opens a clothing store for her children’s future

Kadogo, a single mother of two lives near our Mombasa site in Kenya, makes the most out of every opportunity to take care of her children.     Strong and resilient Kadogo went out every day to get laundry work in her neighborhood. That way, she could provide for her children’s needs. Despite her efforts, she struggled …

Sponsorship ensured Adriana to complete her secondary education

Adriana from our Ternopil site in Ukraine, has been sponsored for 8 years. She grew up in a lovely family of 14, including: six brothers and six sisters. Sponsorship ensured that Adriana completed her secondary education and complete a teaching program at a college.  Adriana is 19 now, but she has a little slip of …

A booming business, a motorcycle repair shop in Peru

Roxana, mother of Adriano, a child in our Chiclayo site in Peru, isn’t afraid of stereotypes. In her community, women don’t become motorcycle mechanics, but Roxana did.   Every day, she goes to work with pride, knowing that she is now able to provide for her two-year-old son. Adriano stays with Roxana’s mother while she’s tuning up …