Beatriz makes her wooden house into a brick home in Paraguay

At Chalice Pukavy site, Paraguay, many families live in poor living conditions and lack basic necessities. For larger single-parent families, it’s even more challenging. Living near Pukavy is Beatriz, a mother of three daughters who also lives with her brother and mother.

Their humble house is made of wood with a metal roof. All living in a single room, their living situation was difficult. 

Beatriz has worked as a market vendor for 23 years. Despite her hard work, Beatríz struggled to provide for her family on her own.   

Beatriz was overjoyed to learn that two of her daughters were selected by Chalice sponsors in 2015. Sponsorship gave María Juana and Liz Monserrat the possibility to study.   

“Thanks to Chalice, through the sponsorship program, they receive their benefits and the special money that the sponsors send,” the Pukavy staff say. “With these funds, they are improving their quality of life substantially. They invest a big part in their children’s education.”   

Through the Chalice family circle, Beatriz managed her funds prudently and saved for the ultimate gift: a new house.  

“They were able to build a brick house and acquire amenities for their house,” the Pukavy staff writes. Everyone at the site is impressed by how well the family is doing and how happy they are.  

“From the Pukavy site, we thank the support you give them,” they say “this allows them to dream of a future with better opportunities for the family.” 

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