Lunch time heroes

Pele, Chalice’s Wa site director in Ghana, and other site staff were concerned about the number of children in their community who were underweight and malnourished. Not only did this affect their physical health and development, but it also caused students’ academic performance to suffer. When students cannot focus in class because of hunger and …

Borehole well resolves water needs in Ghana

In Ghana, the dry seasons have been longer this year while the fertile rainy seasons have shortened. In rural northern Ghana where Bu Roman Catholic Primary School is located– which is attended by many sponsored students from our Nandom site. Due to its rural location, the school faces many challenges and access to water has …

Children got an exciting field trip during Christmas

Our Konta sponsor site in northern Ghana is a Catholic organization which supports children from low-income families and children with special needs. At Christmastime, the community loves to have a special Mass, where they can offer prayers for “the Chalice family, the generous donors, the beneficiaries, the new converts at Kpongu and the community as …

The difference a hot meal can make

With the support of a farm, a school can run a daily lunch program for students. School-day lunches are game changers for students and staff in impoverished communities where families face food insecurity. Whenever a school introduces daily meals there is a significant increase in enrollment, retention, and grades, and absenteeism and drop-out rates decrease …

Empowering women and families through Chalice family circles

“The skills training will impact positively on the life of many families at the site.”  These mothers are not just smiling because they’re bedecked with beads, but because they are modeling their popular new designs! Communities in Ghana have been greatly impacted by shutdowns during the pandemic which closed markets, impacting both incomes and access …

How Barikisu Went From Fighting Cancer To Studying Nursing

Barikisu is no stranger to being strong. As a cancer survivor who lost her father at a young age, resilience is all she knows.   She and her siblings were raised by her mother near our Wa site in Ghana. After her father passed away, she was blessed by the support of a wonderful Chalice …