Nicholas knows that to achieve good grades, children need to maintain their focus in school, and nothing is more distracting than a growling stomach. “The nutrition program is actually one of the most important programs,” says Nicholas, Konta site director.
Category Archives: Haiti
Need the perfect gift this summer? Look no further!
Plant kindness during this season of love, growth, and blooming.
Spring has sprung! Spring is known for new beginnings; it is a wonderful time of year to brighten others’ lives after a long winter season. Chalice’s gift catalogue has gifts for all the milestones on your calendar such as baby showers, baptisms, weddings, birthdays, and graduations. There are so many great events to be celebrated, …
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Lunch is ready! Asembo students line up for warm lunch thanks to Chalice donors
A healthy lunch and a focused mind go hand in hand. Hungry students at our Asembo site, Kenya, find they cannot focus or remain alert in the classroom. Research shows struggling students are more likely to drop out of school. Many people can relate to the difficulty of thinking, listening, and concentrating when they are hungry.
The Gift that Can’t Wait
Our top 5 ‘Ways to Celebrate’
This time, we’re sharing our top 5 ‘Ways to Celebrate’ Spring is here at last! The warmer months bring many reasons to celebrate and share gifts with our friends and loved ones. Chalice’s gift catalogue is your best place to find gifts for the baby showers, Baptisms, weddings, birthdays, and graduations you have on your …
Back to school!
Chalice has been partnering with the Fondation Montesinos who run the Pierre Salvatti Orphanage, since 2018. Chalice’s sponsor site is called St Dominique, named for the children’s school, L’Institution Saint Dominique. The school is the meeting point for children who live at the orphanage, under the care of loving staff members and Sisters, and the …
From Hopeful Student to Successful Nurse in Haiti
Growing up near our Haiti North site, life wasn’t always easy on Djenica. Though she was incredibly smart, her parents couldn’t afford the school supplies to further her studies. Even buying food and clothes, the basic necessities, was a challenge for them. When she was 11 years old, and desperately needed it, Djenica was chosen …
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A Helping Hand for Marco
When Brother Marcelin first met Marco, he saw a boy who would someday be a great man. Br. Marcelin, director of Chalice’s Haiti South site, knew Marco had the potential to accomplish all his dreams. To get there, though, he desperately needed a helping hand. Marco suffered from a disease called lichen planus, an inflammatory skin …
Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Group’ photos
Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. You’re at an event with some old friends. Everyone is laughing over treats and hot drinks when, suddenly, someone pulls out their phone and says, “Hey…why don’t we take a group photo?” Whether gathering at a coffee shop, …