Big Changes in Mombasa

The Sisters of St Joseph Mombasa run Chalice’s Mombasa sponsor site, working in the low-income neighborhoods of this coastal city in Kenya. They run three homes for children: the Grandsons of Abraham Rescue Centre, Bakitah Girls Rescue Centre, and the Shanzu Orphanage.  

The Grandsons of Abraham Centre rescues, rehabilitates and educates boys who have lived in dangerous and precarious situations on the streets of Mombasa.  

The Centre desperately needed qualified case workers to support the boys, but the money to pay salaries wasn’t there.

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Sponsorship Makes Safina’s Dreams Come True

For Safina, going to school every day was far from the reality she grew up with. 

Her mom was a single parent who struggled to provide four children with enough to eat, let alone enough money to pay school fees. Teachers, seeing she couldn’t pay, would send Safina home. She often missed school for weeks at a time. 

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Why Corpus Christi?

In a way, says Father Patrick Cosgrove, Corpus Christi has always been part of Chalice’s making.  

“It was there in naissance, in our very name,” he shared in an interview. 

Corpus Christi, also known as the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, is something Chalice supporters have been hearing a lot about, whether that’s on social media, in our newsletter, or our podcast, Stories from the Table 

Chalice has chosen Corpus Christi weekend, June 18-19, as the new date for most of its child sponsorship appeals in parishes. Child sponsorship appeals are when a deacon or priest gives a talk about Chalice at Mass. The church holding the appeal is sent booklets of children available for sponsorship, which are displayed in a prominent place on the day of the appeal. 

But why Corpus Christi? 

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How Chalice Supporters Alleviated Drought in Kenya

In parts of Canada and the U.S., rainfall is so common, it’s almost a nuisance. We grumble as we walk home in the rain, or complain off-handedly to our colleagues about the commute to work.  

It’s tempting to forget that in many parts of the world, rain isn’t a nuisance – it’s life.  

Kenyans have dealt with ongoing drought over the past several years, and Chalice’s Mombasa site was no exception. 

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Media Release: Chalice Cooks Up Love in the Kitchen

Calling All Foodies: Chalice Cooks Up Love in the Kitchen

May 16, 2022

Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada –

Chalice, a Catholic international development and aid charity, is inviting foodies around the world to pull out their chef’s hat and roll up their sleeves at Love in the Kitchen this June.

Taking place June 18-19, Love in the Kitchen is a free online cooking and theology conference. Featuring 20+ Catholic speakers, they’ll share their insights into how our spirits connect to our stomachs.

Speakers will present on a wide spread of topics, including cooking, baking, body image, wine, and mixology – and how they connect to theology.

The pièce de résistance: Saturday night, a free, live cooking class with renowned Catholic chef Fr. Leo Patalinghug of Plating Grace Ministries.

Fr. Leo Patalinghug

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Child Sponsorship Sparked Career Opportunities for this Family

Nitesh’s job may involve playing with fire, but don’t worry – he’s built a business and a reputation as an expert in just that.  

In fact, as a metal fabricator, he finds his passion for the trade grows stronger each day.  

But building a successful business took a lot of blood, sweat, and dare we say, fire.  

Together, Nitesh and his wife have three children, and they live with his parents. He’s always had a passion for working with metal, and initially trained as a welder.  

Though he worked in the field for 10 years, welding took its toll. Despite working hard, he still didn’t earn enough income to support his family.  

What he wanted more than anything was to start his own business, but the chances of getting the money together was low. 

That was, until his eldest daughter was selected for the Chalice sponsorship program. As it turned out, that little spark was just what Nitesh needed. 

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How Child Sponsorship Formed a Bond that Spanned Oceans

When Trina met Vincent at the airport, she burst into tears. 

It was an emotional reunion, fit for friends after years apart. And in a way, that was exactly their situation. Though they’d never met in person, Trina and Vincent had known each other for years.  

She sponsored him through Chalice when he was still a young man growing up in Kenya. So when they finally met, it was like a friend coming home. 

The journey to the airport that day, though, was a long one.  

Trina heard about Chalice at her church in Stratford, Ontario, where a Chalice Champion was giving a talk about sponsorship. She was going through a hard time in her life, and the idea of connecting with and supporting someone in need appealed to her. 

After Mass, she waited to approach the table at the back, where sponsorship booklets were spread out.  

After everyone else had chosen, there were only two people left: an elderly gentleman, and Vincent, who was in his early teen years and based out of the Starehe Boys site. Starehe later became the Nairobi site.

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