Arockiya is Conditioned for Great Things

As they say: when one door closes, another one opens.  

With the help of the Chalice sponsorship program and the hand of God, that’s a truth Arockiya now sees clearly.  

Living near our Tamil site in India, life wasn’t always easy. His father passed away when he was young, a massive blow to their family. Thankfully, with God’s intervention, Arockiya was introduced to the Chalice sponsorship program. 

Soon, life began to look up.  

With sponsorship, he could access food, clothing, medication, and – most exciting of all – education. With his needs taken care of, he became hopeful. 

Thanks in part to his sponsor’s support, his grades were top notch, and he made it through his grade school years.  

That achievement under his belt, he went on to university to study mechanical engineering. He completed his studies, and is now employed as an air conditioner fitter with a well-known company in India. 

He’s earning a good living doing what he loves, and is able to help his family out, too. Bonus: his siblings have also completed their schooling and found good jobs.  

“We, therefore, pass our sincere gratitude to the Chalice organization and all well-wishers for the love and support they have been providing to us up to date,” our site staff write. 

Congratulations, Arockiya! 

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