Mbinga Pre-School finds the link between full stomachs and achievements

Chalice site staff aim to feed minds and tackle student hunger. Young and curious pre-schoolers should be focused on learning new colours and shapes, but everyone knows how distracting an empty stomach is. Our Mbinga site staff were aware that students at St. Theresia Pre-School often came to school with no lunch. They couldn’t concentrate …

Bags full of books and hearts full of hope

Children carry a lot of fresh knowledge in their minds. For everything else they have to carry, it helps to have a sturdy, reliable backpack.   A good day at school starts at home. When children arrive at school prepared to learn, it shows in their grades.  Sr. Janefrances and her team at the Mombasa …

Plant kindness during this season of love, growth, and blooming.

Spring has sprung! Spring is known for new beginnings; it is a wonderful time of year to brighten others’ lives after a long winter season. Chalice’s gift catalogue has gifts for all the milestones on your calendar such as baby showers, baptisms, weddings, birthdays, and graduations. There are so many great events to be celebrated, …

Lunch is ready! Asembo students line up for warm lunch thanks to Chalice donors

A healthy lunch and a focused mind go hand in hand. Hungry students at our Asembo site, Kenya, find they cannot focus or remain alert in the classroom. Research shows struggling students are more likely to drop out of school. Many people can relate to the difficulty of thinking, listening, and concentrating when they are hungry. 

Starehe girls’ bond with experiments…

There are no mad scientists here, only inspired students!  Through Chalice’s School Connections program, a Canadian school contributed to big changes at their sister school in Nairobi Kenya. Starehe Girls’ Centre is a national boarding high school for gifted girls from disadvantaged families. The school enrollment has been steadily increasing over the past few years, …