Photo Friday: Our Top 5 ‘Throwback’ photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.  A new year is a symbolic fresh start for many people, with “New year, new me” an oft-quoted expression around this time. It’s important to celebrate the new, of course, but it’s also important not to remember our past. Our …

How Sponsorship Helped a Whole Family

Motivation, food, and education – just some of the gifts Chalice donors give when they sponsor a child or elder.   Yet sponsorship does even more than that. If you pull back the curtain, you’ll see the blessings go beyond just one person, extending to entire families. Yuliya, a sponsored child near our Ternopil site in Ukraine, is the perfect example of how sponsorship makes a difference in the lives …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Christmas Season’ photos! 

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.  It’s Christmas Eve, and here at Chalice, we couldn’t celebrate Photo Friday with anything other than our top 5 ‘Christmas Season’ photos!   P.S. Our 2021 gift catalogue is here!  #5: Christmas together  Before COVID-19, our site …

A Different Kind of Christmas

If we asked you to associate one word with Christmas, what would it be?  Maybe light, togetherness, or food. Whatever it is, it likely wouldn’t be ‘loneliness’.   Yet that’s the prospect parents at our Chiclayo sponsor site in Peru were faced with last year, when COVID-19 restrictions ruled out in-person gatherings.  Parents at the site, however, were …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Sponsorship’ photos photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.  Sponsorship. It’s the core of what we do, and the heartbeat of all we’ll do in future. Thousands of children’s lives have been changed, thanks to our amazing supporters.  This week marks the third in our Gift …

Our Top Tips for Giving Joy This Christmas

Ah, Christmas. Just that word evokes the sound of tiny feet tumbling down the stairs to tear open presents, crackling fires, and the clanging of dishes on the table while family members reunite after months apart.   It’s no secret that exchanging gifts is one thing that makes Christmas magical, but toys and trinkets aren’t the only way to give …

Bernarda Bakes Her Heart Out

If you’re living near Chalice’s Arica site in Chile, and you’re in need of a birthday cake, you’ve got to check out Bernarda’s business. Her delicious cakes, pies and kuchen are well-known among friends and neighbours, who regularly sign up to purchase her tasty desserts.   Bernarda is an active member of her parish and an angel to …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Most Needed’ photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.   We’re stuffing the stockings and wrapping up presents under the tree, all while water for hot chocolate boils in the background. The wait for Christmas has begun – but as we wait, we must remember those who do not have all …

Full Bellies for Families

Annamary, a sponsored child, lives near our Assam site in India. Her home is on top of a hill, where she lives with her younger sister and brother, and their parents. Her mother has been sick for seven years, while her father is a daily wage labourer.   In their circumstances, Annamary’s parents often found it challenging to provide for the family.   COVID-19 flipped the world upside down, and the effects …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Festive Food’ photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! It’s the time of week we sure our favourite snaps from our sponsor sites around the world.  Our American neighbours just celebrated Thanksgiving, with delicious food all ‘round! And while we wait for the coming of Christ, there’s no reason we can’t have a sneak peek at some of the delicious eats awaiting us in December. Ukraine has plenty …