Rosemarie’s talent for teaching

Rosemarie, from Bulacan, Philippines, is the youngest of three children. Both of her parents worked very hard, but barely earned enough to put food on the table. Many days, Rosemarie would go to school without eating anything for the entire day. While she was still in elementary school, Rosemarie was selected by a Chalice sponsor. …

Women from Bolivia empowered by cooking course

Women from our Fatima site in Bolivia had the unique opportunity to strengthen their independence. Over 75 mothers of sponsored children were invited to participate in a two month cooking course organized by our site. This course, however, didn’t just cover household recipes; it featured popular recipes for Bolivian street food. Street food is quite …

Passion and leadership: Mariya’s story

Mariya, from Ternopil, Ukraine, comes from a large family. Even though her parents both work full time, they could barely meet the needs of their children. Sponsorship brought great new opportunities for Mariya and her siblings. “From the day I was sponsored, we were able to afford food, school supplies, and household goods. My parents …

Donors raise $8,518 for homes destroyed by heavy rain

Our Mercy Care site is located in the Mwingi region of Kenya. This area is dry and arid, and usually receives very little rain. Last spring, however, unusually heavy rainfall drenched the region. The soft, dry soil was heavily eroded, devastating farms and roads. Many homes and structures were extensively damaged, as they were not …

Sponsored child from Samar becomes a Chalice field worker

Born in a small village where most people have not experienced many luxuries in life, Shane desperately wanted to have an opportunity for better life in the future. Her father worked as security guard and her mother worked in health care, but they didn’t make very much money. Because of their poverty, her father would …

Beds keep kids cozy in Ternopil, Ukraine

In Ukraine, beds remain one of the most frequently requested items from our gift catalogue. The majority of the families at our sites in Ukraine are large, and often times their homes are small. Children share beds with siblings and parents, with often up to four people sharing one small bed. Over the years, we’ve …

Girls’ boarding school gets a boost from our donors

Starehe Girls’ Centre, located in Nairobi, Kenya, is the only chance some girls get at a quality education. The boarding school was founded in 2005, and offers education to economically disadvantaged girls. The centre boasts an extremely high standard of education, and is meant to prepare girls to continue their studies competitively in university. Starehe …

Yana’s acting skills blossom on stage

Yana, from our Ternopil Site in Ukraine, grew up living with her mom, dad, and sister. The family was rich in love, but struggled to stay afloat financially. Yana’s mother suffered from a chronic neurological disorder known as chorea, and spent most of her time at the hospital receiving medical treatments. Since the family lived …

Jyothi’s Family Circle benefits from her strong leadership

As a part of our child sponsorship program, we strive to empower caregivers. With the proper support, mothers and guardians can identify and decide what their child needs to thrive. We provide education and resources directly to the child’s primary caregiver so that they, in turn, can meet their child’s needs. Overcoming poverty is an …