Mothers in Peru spread Christmas cheer with neighbors in need

Each year as Christmas approaches, mothers of sponsored children at our PINIFE site in Peru reflect on how they can make the holidays special. A few years ago, Chalice family circles decided that the best way to enjoy Christmas was to share joy and blessings with their neighbors in need.

In the surrounding community, many elders struggle to make ends meet. During Christmas, mothers took time to visit the elderly, sharing in conversation and prayer. This was eye-opening for the mothers, for even though their daily lives are difficult, they met others in as much need as them.

The mothers were moved to give the elders what they could from what little they had, and eagerly gifted food hampers they created at the end of their visits. “They returned home with that experience of feeling joy for giving, thus valuing their own family and getting closer to God who loves us and is always watching over all,” says the Sisters who oversee our PINIFE site.

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Photo Friday: Our top 5 “Christmas traditions” photos

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

We are blessed to work with diverse communities in countries all around the world. At Christmastime, when families at our sites celebrate the birth of Jesus, they have the opportunity to showcase many wonderful traditions unique to their culture.

This week, we’re sharing our top 5 “Christmas traditions” from our sponsor sites. We hope you enjoy this festive and heartwarming collection!

#5: Dancing shoes in Bolivia

In Bolivia, Christmas celebrations at our sites include games, contests, music, and dancing! Family circles take special care in rehearsing and performing different traditional dances for their peers, and a special greeting dance called “Chuntunquis” to honour the baby Jesus. One year, a group of mothers prepared beautiful dance costumes with recycled materials including rice and sugar bags, and old CDs! Continue reading “Photo Friday: Our top 5 “Christmas traditions” photos”

Bunk beds for brothers in Pochaiv

In Ukraine, beds are one of our most requested gift catalogue items. Many families live in old, small homes or rented apartments, and can’t afford to replace broken or worn out furniture. Some can’t afford to purchase enough beds for the household, which means that children must share beds or sleep on couches or on the floor.

Maksym, a 10 year old boy from our Pochaiv site, lives with his parents, grandmother, and younger brother Tymofiy. They all share their grandmother’s old house, which is small and worn down. There weren’t enough beds for everyone, so Maksym had to sleep on the old, hard couch. Tymofiy slept in a small crib, even though it was broken and already too small for him.

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Photo Friday: Our top 5 “most needed” photos

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

Most needed gifts given through our gift catalogue and other emergency funds are directed to meet the most urgent needs of families, children, and communities at our sponsor sites. Emergency food supplies, relief from natural disasters and pandemics, and life-saving medicine are some examples of the timely support provided thanks to this incredibly diverse and thoughtful gift.

This week, we’re sharing our top 5 “most needed” photos from our sponsor sites. We’re so happy to share these wonderful life-changing moments where, thanks to your help, we were able to provide support where it was so urgently needed.

#5: Flood relief for families in need

When powerful flooding devastated the community of Munnar, India, hundreds of families were displaced from their homes. Children and parents had nothing but the clothes on their backs, unsure of where to turn. Thanks to an incredible outpouring of generosity from our supporters, our Kerala site was able to provide emergency bundles of blankets, clothing, and food for families in dire need of support. Everyone showed their appreciation with genuine smiles and heartfelt prayers! Continue reading “Photo Friday: Our top 5 “most needed” photos”

Sponsorship was Jobert’s “Most Precious Gift”

Jobert grew up in a family of four in rural Samar in the Philippines. His parents struggled to provide for him and his siblings on only his father’s salary as a janitor.

When he was little, Jobert always looked up to his aunt, who was a teacher. He and his siblings would always play ‘school’ and he was always the teacher. But every year, his parents worried that they would not have enough to give their children the supplies they needed to attend school.

It was December, nearing Christmastime the year Jobert was in grade five, when two Sisters knocked on Jobert’s door. They had come with the good news that Jobert had been selected by a Chalice sponsor!

Continue reading “Sponsorship was Jobert’s “Most Precious Gift””

Photo Friday: Our top 5 “animal” photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

Animals are gifts that are universally loved and requested by every one of our sponsor sites around the world. Raising animals like chickens, cows, and goats helps families supplement their income so that they can afford to send their children to school and purchase other essentials. Some families and communities even start entire businesses with the help of the animals they receive through our gift catalogue!

This week, we’re sharing our top 5 animal photos from our sponsor sites! These adorable animals have provided families with eggs, milk, wool, and best of all, financial security for the future.

#5: The gift of goats

This beautiful family from our Madurai site in India was thrilled to receive a pair of goats from kind donors through our gift catalogue! Goats multiply quickly, and milk and offspring can be sold for an income to support the family.

At our sites in India, it’s a tradition for families who receive goats through our gift catalogue to gift an offspring from their pair of goats to another family in need. This way, when families within a community receive the gift of goats, the benefit is felt for years to come!

Continue reading “Photo Friday: Our top 5 “animal” photos!”

Dancing, gifts and prayer brings joy to children in Bolivia

At our sponsor sites in Bolivia, the Christmas season is an incredibly special and anticipated time of the year. In 2019, families and children at our Leventate Mujer site warmly celebrated the birth of Jesus with a joyous community gathering, thanks to the kind supporters who donated to our Christmas fund!

The planning for this long-awaited event began well in advance. Chalice family circles, comprised of parents of sponsored children, eagerly helped arrange music, gifts, and food for the party. They were especially keen to share recipes for custom chocolates and traditional fritters! One group was in charge of rehearsing traditional Christmas carols and arranging a dance for the children to learn. Each and every participant put so much effort into preparing for this jubilant event.

Continue reading “Dancing, gifts and prayer brings joy to children in Bolivia”

Photo Friday: Our top 5 “child sponsorship” photos

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

Today is World Children’s Day, a day held especially close to our hearts. This is a special time to promote international awareness for children’s rights worldwide. Together, let us strive to provide safety, comfort, health, and education for each of God’s children, no matter what circumstances they were born into.

This week, we’re sharing our top 5 “child sponsorship” photos! Child sponsorship is at the core of our work; over the years, we’ve been blessed to witness thousands of children benefit immensely from the loving support of their kind Canadian sponsors. On this special day for children, we’re sharing this collection to show our appreciation for the true, lasting impact that our supporters make in the lives of precious children in need.

#5: Blessings blossoms at school

Blessings was born blind. Her parents, unfortunately, didn’t have the means or knowledge to look after her. Since Blessings couldn’t be left to wander and was unable to attend local daycare or school, her parents would lock her in a room when they would leave the house. Her motor skills became delayed, and she relied on others for walking and eating.

When Blessings was sponsored, she was able to attend a specialized boarding school for blind children. With a lot of support from Sisters, staff, and other children in a loving environment, she has blossomed! She’s now one of the best in mobility, and can read and write in braille. She loves to sing and recite poems, and her teachers sing her praises for being reliable and kind.

Continue reading “Photo Friday: Our top 5 “child sponsorship” photos”

Celebrating Christmas with prayer, food, and fun

The children of St. Mary’s School for the Visually Impaired are gathered in their assembly hall, squirming with anticipation. Their teacher tells them it’s time, and they burst into song. To the tune of Frere Jacques, they sing “Father Christmas, Father Christmas, where are you?” When they get to the words “Ring your bell, ring your bell,” Santa’s bell clangs as he enters the room, an older student dressed in costume. When the song ends, he addresses the crowd, “I wish you a Merry Christmas!”.

“Amen!” they reply.

“I wish that all your dreams come true.”


As the choir breaks into We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Santa and his helper distribute treats to all the children.

The Christmas celebration is a special time for children and staff. Children live far away from home to study at the specialized school in Kawambwa, Zambia, and the Sisters, teachers, and classmates become their family. The celebration is a time of prayerful thanksgiving, singing, and of course, a feast!

Continue reading “Celebrating Christmas with prayer, food, and fun”

Photo Friday: Our top 5 “acts of kindness” photos

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

Today, November 13, is World Kindness Day, a day annually celebrated across the globe to promote the wonderful virtue of kindness. We’re so blessed to witness abundant acts of kindness each and every day; both at our sites around the world, and from our incredible supporters at home here in Canada.

In honour of this special day, we’re sharing our top 5 “acts of kindness” photos! These heartwarming gestures remind us that even the smallest acts can make the biggest difference in the lives of others.

#5: Foot care for elders

On our Medical Mission trip to Haiti North, our team treated local elders suffering from foot and leg pain to medical evaluations, stretching classes, and massages. The massages included a gentle washing from our dedicated volunteers. This act of kindness truly touched the hearts of the elders receiving treatment.

Continue reading “Photo Friday: Our top 5 “acts of kindness” photos”