Sponsorship Gives Tobias A Leg-Up

Tobias and his little brother Andrew share games like any other siblings, but something makes then unique, too. In their family, the younger Andrew watches out for the older Tobias.

Tobias lives with his parents and brother in a community near our Don Bosco site, where his parents take great care to keep him healthy. That’s because 13-year-old Tobias is on the autism spectrum, and needs an extra boost of support from his family.

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Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

Summer is a time of possibility, especially for kids. It feels like anything can happen in the summer, doesn’t it?

With extra time off, many people use summer to make their dreams come true, whether that’s a dream vacation or finally getting back to writing that novel sitting in your desk drawer. Our top 5 ‘Dreamer’ photos remind us that almost anything is possible with a bit of work, support from others and of course, God’s grace.

#5: A Room of One’s Own

Gabriel used to do his studying at home in Peru on a bed or a chair, without any kind of extra space. Chalice supporters saw the need and stepped in to help. Through the Chalice gift catalogue, Gabriel received a new desk, chair and shelf to create a ‘study corner’ in his room. Now, he feels more motivated to accomplish his work. A dream come true!


Optimistic Odalis Succeeds Despite Obstacles

Odalis lives with her grandmother, Doña Aurora, in a two-room brick house near our Luis Amigo sponsor site in Guatemala. Now 22-years-old, Odalis loves to read and play soccer with her friends.

Since her Odalis was small, Aurora always dreamt her granddaughter would complete her studies and have a future full of opportunities. But Aurora had difficulty affording the cost of education, food and other daily needs. Thankfully, a Chalice sponsor chose Odalis in 2010. Through their support, Odalis could thrive in her studies, and look ahead to university.

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Photo Friday: Our top 5 “New Beginnings” Photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

Green is a special colour for the month of July in the Church, symbolizing the kind of hope we see in a sprouted seed when the snow finally melts away.

Green also reminds us of new beginnings, and how we can start fresh. This week, our top 5 “New Beginnings” photos celebrate all the beautiful beginnings that shape us into who we are.

#5: New Life

“In children we have a great charge committed to us.” – St. John Chrysostom

The birth of a child signals new beginnings for everyone. The baby gets to discover the beauty and joy of life, as the mother and father tackle parenthood. God has a plan for every child, and every child deserves love and dignity.

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Hard Work Brings Lorenzo Home

Some people just have a way with words. If you’re not convinced, ask translator/teacher Lorenzo.

In Chile, where Lorenzo is from, the disparity between low-and-high-income is often stark. At our Arica site, Chalice partners with religious organizations to offer medical checkups and skill training.

And, of course, sponsorship.

A generous donor has been sponsoring Lorenzo since he was six years old, opening doors that began his path towards success.

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Photo Friday: Our top 5 “Breaking Bread” Photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

Ah, potlucks. The scent of spices and oils and sugar melding together into everyone’s favourite dishes. The best part about them? Eating together.

Breaking bread among friends helps us grow in fellowship, and there’s no doubt many of us can’t wait until we can gather with friends and family for a meal once more. Our top 5 “Breaking Bread” photos remind us of the sacredness of this time-honoured tradition.

#5: Joyous Eating

Check out this girl’s cheeky smile! Near our Dominica sponsor site in Paraguay, the San Pedro Dining Hall has become the core of the community. Monday to Friday, hard-working mothers arrive early in the morning to prepare the day’s food. And guess what? These women are all volunteers.

Every day, 130 children and 10 seniors arrive for their meals. Many of those children are also sponsored. Breaking bread is truly at the heart of the site.

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Ely Whips Up Success

Ely knows her way around a computer, a cake and a page full of numbers. Determined and hard-working, she’s not one to abandon her goals. But to achieve them, she took a bumpy ride.

In Yapacani, Bolivia, children, adolescents and elders face abandonment. Many children only attend a few grades of primary school, and university? It’s often out-of-the-question.

Ely’s parents are farmers, and supporting their children’s education was hard.

Fortunately, hope arrived. Ely’s Chalice sponsor entered her life, and made the path forward a little brighter.

Through almost 15 years, he’s made a huge difference. Sponsorship meant finances were less concerning, and Ely’s parents could support schooling.

With a heaping helping of hard work and her sponsor’s support, Ely achieved an incredible milestone: university. She studied petroleum engineering, beginning the journey to a fulfilling career.

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The Radiance of Peruvian cuisine: Papa rellena

Our regions have radiant cuisine, and Latin America is known for its abundance and richness of products. Peru has rich biodiversity due to its geography, with the Amazons and the high-altitude Andes mountains.

Have you ever wondered where potatoes come from? Well, today we’re answering that question. Potatoes are originally from Peru, and there are over 4000 potato varieties in different colors and shapes.

Popular and rich in nutrients, potatoes are part of almost every Peruvian dish. Today, we’re bringing you a delicious Peruvian recipe called “Papa rellena”, or stuffed potatoes. It’s is prepared with white potatoes. It’s an extraordinary dish to share with your family and remember the regions you support!

Did you know? Chalice ensures children have balanced and nutrient-rich diets by implementing school feeding programs through the support of the Chalice Children Nutrition Program.

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Photo Friday: Our Top 5 “Humble Hug” Photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

The last year-and-a-half has been difficult for many, and some of us haven’t seem our family and friends in a long time.

We’re all excited to hold those people close once again. So this Photo Friday, we’re celebrating the humble but powerful hug with our top 5 “Humble Hug” photos!

#5: The Hug Jump

There’s nothing like the love between friends, and they’re always there to give a hug when we most need it!

Peru has faced many challenges relating to COVID-19, and the Centro Esperanza moved its youth programming online in response. While it is still a great way for children to stay connected with their friends, we can only imagine the hugs when they meet in person again!

This site is supported by kind Chalice donors via sponsorship, a childhood development program, and skill-building workshops.

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Sponsorship Helps Family Achieve Their Dreams

When you parent two children with special needs, the way Svitlana and Volodymyur do, you learn to appreciate the small things.

For them, it’s the happiness and victories of their kids. The faithful parents carry deep trust and support for one another, and their bond has helped them through the hard times.

Living near our Ternopil site in Ukraine, their daughter Diana has dwarfism and poor eyesight. Her brother Olesksandr is on the autism spectrum, and faces some developmental delays. Between the many moments of joy, there’s been some challenging ones, too.

At one point, the family was in debt from surgeries and treatments for Diana. Both parents stopped working so they could take care of their children full-time. At that point, any support at all was a precious gift.

It was then Chalice sponsors entered their lives – people they now consider the heralders of God’s grace.

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