A booming business, a motorcycle repair shop in Peru

Roxana, mother of Adriano, a child in our Chiclayo site in Peru, isn’t afraid of stereotypes. In her community, women don’t become motorcycle mechanics, but Roxana did.   Every day, she goes to work with pride, knowing that she is now able to provide for her two-year-old son. Adriano stays with Roxana’s mother while she’s tuning up …

Vulnerable children overcoming malnutrition in Paraguay

Every day, about 100 children visit the Open Centre in our CMAVIL site in Paraguay. The centre offers social recreation, after-school homework assistance, and a lunch program.    Evelin is a three-year-old child who lives with her mom, Diana, and two older sisters. “Evelin is the youngest of the three,” Sr. Miguela describes, “and when we …

A mother in Peru lift their family thanks to Child Sponsorship

At Chalice we love our sponsorship program model because it enables parents and guardians – armed with the training and support of our site staff and family circles – to make financial decisions on what their child and family need most. Sometimes, they can launch their small businesses to better support their families for a …

A Critical Need Fund saves a nine-year-old child in Paraguay

Nine-year-old Luz Navila is an energetic, happy girl who lives with her family near our Pukavy site in Paraguay. When she was very little, she was diagnosed with Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy- which created an obstruction in her upper airways. Luz Navila spent much of her young life in the hospital.   Luz Navila’s parents and doctors treated …

Our top 5 ‘Ways to Celebrate’

This time, we’re sharing our top 5 ‘Ways to Celebrate’ Spring is here at last! The warmer months bring many reasons to celebrate and share gifts with our friends and loved ones. Chalice’s gift catalogue is your best place to find gifts for the baby showers, Baptisms, weddings, birthdays, and graduations you have on your …