Photo Friday: Our top 5 peaceful photos

Welcome to our fourth Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our absolute favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. Even during the most busy and stressful times, it’s important to practice mindfulness, prayer, and relaxation. This week, we’re sharing our top 5 peaceful photos that we’ve gathered from our sites. …

Starehe Girls’ School revives beekeeping project

This year, bees are all the buzz! Starehe Girls’ School, located in Kenya, is one of many of our sites to start a beekeeping project as a source of honey and income. Starehe Girls’ School is a boarding school for girls. The school gives many bright, talented students the opportunity to achieve their potential, and …

Celebrating strong mothers: Rosaline’s success

It’s almost Mother’s Day, a time to honour the countless mothers who lovingly sacrifice and dedicate themselves to others. At our sites, we work with many mothers of sponsored children. We’re constantly moved by their overwhelming resilience in spite of obstacles, and endless love for their children. Rosaline, a mother from our Tondo site in …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 silly photos!

Welcome to our very first Photo Friday! Each Friday for the foreseeable future, we’ll be sharing photo collections of our absolute favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world! We hope that these fun collections will bring you some joy in these uncertain times. This week, we’re sharing our top 5 silly photos that …

Helping neighbours in need during pandemic restrictions

Since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chalice staff and supporters in Canada have been concerned for the safety and well-being of children, families and staff members at our sites around the world. There are undoubtedly some very challenging situations in the communities we serve, but as often happens, this crisis has brought forward acts …

Sponsored families can rely on family funding amidst pandemic

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are being felt across the entire globe, and our sponsor sites are not exempt. Border closures, job shutdowns, and food shortages are disproportionally affecting the poorest in our global community, many of whom already face dire circumstances on the best of days. Sponsorship, thankfully, has been providing a lifeline …

Strength, confidence and dreams for the future

Our STAR site in India works with many rural communities in the state of Tamil Nadu. A great deal of families in these communities are affected with stigmatized illnesses, which makes it difficult for them find work and housing. Our site also works with many children living with cognitive and physical disabilities. With the right …

Lenten Recipe: Kenyan Chickpea Curry

If you’re abstaining from meat over the Lenten season, here’s another wonderful meatless dish you can make! Or, you can just make it because it’s delicious. This is a vegetable curry typical to the Kenyan Indian community. The soaking step is a must if you desire soft and crunchy chickpeas, and to fully release the …