Hard Work Brings Lorenzo Home

Some people just have a way with words. If you’re not convinced, ask translator/teacher Lorenzo. In Chile, where Lorenzo is from, the disparity between low-and-high-income is often stark. At our Arica site, Chalice partners with religious organizations to offer medical checkups and skill training. And, of course, sponsorship. A generous donor has been sponsoring Lorenzo …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 “Breaking Bread” Photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. Ah, potlucks. The scent of spices and oils and sugar melding together into everyone’s favourite dishes. The best part about them? Eating together. Breaking bread among friends helps us grow in fellowship, and there’s …

The Radiance of Peruvian cuisine: Papa rellena

Our regions have radiant cuisine, and Latin America is known for its abundance and richness of products. Peru has rich biodiversity due to its geography, with the Amazons and the high-altitude Andes mountains. Have you ever wondered where potatoes come from? Well, today we’re answering that question. Potatoes are originally from Peru, and there are …

Photo Friday: Our Top 5 “Humble Hug” Photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. The last year-and-a-half has been difficult for many, and some of us haven’t seem our family and friends in a long time. We’re all excited to hold those people close once again. So this …

Sponsorship Helps Family Achieve Their Dreams

When you parent two children with special needs, the way Svitlana and Volodymyur do, you learn to appreciate the small things. For them, it’s the happiness and victories of their kids. The faithful parents carry deep trust and support for one another, and their bond has helped them through the hard times. Living near our …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 “Celebration” Photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. Here in Canada, people living in the province of Quebec are celebrating Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, a day marking the birth of Saint John the Baptist. Our Top 5 “Celebration” photos show us all the ways …

Photo Friday: Our Top 5 “Daily Dad” Photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. There’s no one quite like Dad! He’s always ready with an outpouring of wisdom, a comforting hug, or a cheesy joke. This weekend in Canada, we’re honouring dads by celebrating Father’s Day. In anticipation …

The Horodetska Family Starts Fresh

Poultry, pigs and potatoes: that’s what life looks like these days for the Horodetska family. The family of six lives near our sponsor site in Ternopil, and they’ve grown their home farm to include cows, goats and more. But it took a bit of time, and a few special gifts, to get there. Kateryna, the …