Juan Carlos Beats The Odds


With a smile as bright as the sun, Juan Carlos is an attentive and loving kid to his mother Marisol. He loves helping her around the house, and is a fast learner. You can’t see it on his face, but Juan Carlos has been through a lot to get to where he is today.

When he was only little, Marisol found out he would have lifelong troubles with mobility. That’s because Juan Carlos had cerebral palsy, a common disorder that affects movement. He also had poor vision and hearing.

Marisol discovered with time he needed a unique diet, and medicines her insurance didn’t cover. For the devoted single mother and her son, it was a hard time without much hope on the horizon.

“In those moments of grief and despair, Chalice appeared”, wrote the Santiago site staff.

From then on, life improved. With the support of Juan Carlos’s sponsor, Marisol could afford the specialized medicines and food he needed. She even bought a special medicine Juan Carlos desperately needed to keep his vision from deteriorating. Without it, he would have been blind.

Juan Carlos later enrolled in school and can now communicate in sign language. The smart boy is always eager to learn! He’s grown into an attentive, loving kid, and Marisol is thankful for the support he’s received along the way.

“Chalice was a hope for us,” she said. “I will be eternally grateful for the help you gave me and you continue to give me.”

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