Faith, union, and solidarity is what makes Sofiyas’s family stronger in Ukraine

This close-knit family of eight have a way of standing out in a crowd.   “It is simply impossible for them to get by unnoticed,” the Ternopil sponsor site staff write. “Every Sunday you can see them in church, wearing humble but neat clothing, standing together with their hands folded in prayer.” The family has …

Yaroslav Begins Healing From Cancer, Thanks to Chalice Supporters

In his years living near our Ternopil site, Yaroslav and his wife have always had their hands full.  Not only do they have a daughter and granddaughter, but he also worked for years as an assistant to the mayor, while his wife is still a Chalice field worker. In her on-time, she looks after sponsored …

St. Therese Inspired This Fundraiser for Ukraine

Taking a leaf out of St. Therese’s Little Way, Kristin McCarthy has launched a small fundraiser with big heart.  The owner of Kristin McCarthy Designs in Rockwood, Ontario, Kristin has begun making small, woollen Ukrainian flags. She’s selling them and donating the money to a special cause: Chalice’s sites in Ukraine. 

How Sponsorship Helped a Whole Family

Motivation, food, and education – just some of the gifts Chalice donors give when they sponsor a child or elder.   Yet sponsorship does even more than that. If you pull back the curtain, you’ll see the blessings go beyond just one person, extending to entire families. Yuliya, a sponsored child near our Ternopil site in Ukraine, is the perfect example of how sponsorship makes a difference in the lives …

Viktoriya Is on the Path to Healing

Like most teenage girls, Viktoriya enjoys reading, painting and chatting with friends online. Despite facing challenges due to a disability, she approaches life with bravery and tenacity, and lives near our Ternopil site in Ukraine.   When she was still little, her parents noticed she struggled with her mobility. A doctor confirmed she was born with a congenital abnormality …

Sponsorship Helps Family Achieve Their Dreams

When you parent two children with special needs, the way Svitlana and Volodymyur do, you learn to appreciate the small things. For them, it’s the happiness and victories of their kids. The faithful parents carry deep trust and support for one another, and their bond has helped them through the hard times. Living near our …

The Horodetska Family Starts Fresh

Poultry, pigs and potatoes: that’s what life looks like these days for the Horodetska family. The family of six lives near our sponsor site in Ternopil, and they’ve grown their home farm to include cows, goats and more. But it took a bit of time, and a few special gifts, to get there. Kateryna, the …

The gift of stoves feeds and warms families in Ukraine

  At our Ternopil site in Ukraine, the modern gift of electric stoves are keeping families fed and cozy year-round in the comfort of their homes. In Canada, stoves are essential household appliances that many families rely on daily to cook safe, convenient meals. In rural Ukraine, however, cooking can be much more complicated. “In …

Beds keep kids cozy in Ternopil, Ukraine

In Ukraine, beds remain one of the most frequently requested items from our gift catalogue. The majority of the families at our sites in Ukraine are large, and often times their homes are small. Children share beds with siblings and parents, with often up to four people sharing one small bed. Over the years, we’ve …