Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Healthcare’ photos.

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. If there’s one thing we’ve learned this past year-and-a-half, it’s that healthcare workers are the backbone of society. They’ve worked long hours during hard times, and we can’t thank them enough. This week, we’re …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Elderly Wisdom’ photos

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. This weekend we celebrate World Senior Citizens Day, a time to honour the elderly among us. Whether it’s a grandparent, friend or teacher, the elderly are full of so much wisdom and knowledge, it …

Sasmita Makes a New House Home

At Chalice’s Orissa site in India, many have scant access to educational and medical resources. For women, girls and migrant workers, it’s even more challenging. Illiteracy is high in the area. Living nearby is Sasmita, a young woman from a hard-working family that’s been through some tough times. Sasmita grew up with two sisters, and …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘God’s Grace’ photos.

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. It’s Friday the 13th, and you know what that means? Bad…er, good luck! Around here, we know that good luck is another way of saying God’s grace. This week, we’re sharing our top 5 …

Bushels of blessings in Baseco

While the city of Manila was still under strict COVID-19 lockdown protocols, the Tondo sponsor site knew there were children in their neighbourhood who didn’t have enough food. In particular, the site staff worried about the neighbourhood of Baseco, one of the largest slums in Manila. When restrictions lifted enough for site staff to go …

The Radiance of Filipino cuisine: Pansit

Our regions are known for their radiant cuisine, and the Philippines are no exception. With more than 100 ethno-linguistic groups scattered throughout the nation, the country’s cuisine reflects the rich diversity of its residents. Noodles are a common ingredient in Filippino cooking, and pansit is no exception. This stir-fried noodle dish is made with fresh …

Hard work and the right support give Kurtis and her family a bright future

The youngest of three children, Kurtis is bright and determined to succeed. Kurtis and her family have endured many difficult times through the years, including losing her dear father to kidney failure when she was just a toddler. This placed a huge responsibility on her mother who now had to raise her three children alone …

Another win for Garikapudi

A gifted athlete, Garikapudi lives with his parents and older brother near our Mangalagiri site in India. Born into a loving and supportive family, his parents tried their best but struggled to provide for their children. His mother and father worked side-by-side as often as they could selling fruit on the roadside but are both …

Victoria flourishes as a web developer after years of sponsorship

Victoria is an ambitious young woman from a hard-working Catholic family. She and her two siblings grew up near our Mangalagiri site in India. When the children were little, Victoria’s parents struggled with food insecurity, lack of adequate housing, and even lacked enough clothing. The cost of the children’s education was overwhelming, and Victoria often …