Photo Friday: Our top 5 “sisters” photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. Earlier this month, we celebrated International Day of Human Fraternity by sharing our top 5 “brothers” photos! Now, we’re following up with our top 5 “sisters” photos to remind us of Pope Francis’s wise …

Victoria flourishes as a web developer after years of sponsorship

Victoria is an ambitious young woman from a hard-working Catholic family. She and her two siblings grew up near our Mangalagiri site in India. When the children were little, Victoria’s parents struggled with food insecurity, lack of adequate housing, and even lacked enough clothing. The cost of the children’s education was overwhelming, and Victoria often …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 “ideas for Lent” photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. For Catholics, the holy season of Lent is upon us. We’ve collected our top 5 “ideas for Lent” photos to give you some inspiration on how to spread love, give thanks, and spend time …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 “hearts, hugs & kisses” photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. It’s nearly Valentine’s Day! The origins of this special holiday known for love and affection has drawn from many influences. In the Catholic church, St. Valentine is the patron saint of love, young people, …

Edgar’s future is bright

Edgar is a bright and enthusiastic young man sponsored through our Luis Amigo sponsor site in Guatemala. He has faced many challenges in his young life, but thanks to the support of his sponsor, he has flourished. “The first letter I received from my sponsor filled me with much joy,” says Edgar. “Each letter is …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 “brothers” photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. Yesterday, February 4 was International Day of Human Fraternity, a time to celebrate and strive for the peace, harmony, and togetherness of all of mankind. In his heartfelt address via virtual event yesterday, Pope …

Photo Friday: Our top 5 “cheerful” photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world. In Canada, many holiday festivities have passed and the dreariness of winter is in full swing. It’s in these times that we need to pause and reflect on our blessings, our loved ones, and …

Meals made with love: Maria finds fulfilment in her career

Maria, a former sponsored child from our Pochaiv site in Ukraine, is finding great joy and fulfilment in her busy profession as a cook after recently graduating from trade school! Maria is no stranger to a busy schedule. She comes from a bustling family of five children. Every day, Maria’s father would head to work …