Zero Cavities Project spreads smiles in Tondo

Good dental hygiene is essential for the health and happiness of growing children. In the Philippines, tooth decay is a widespread problem afflicting many children and adults. Last year, at a routine heath check at our sponsor site in Tondo, almost 100% of our 1325 sponsored children had cavities. Tooth decay and gum disease have …

Canadian students help Madeline’s family save for a home

Madeline is used to living a busy life. She’s the mother and sole caretaker of Phalancia, Phalanda, Fedelin, Phadelin, and baby Phedjina. The family lives together in Terrier-Rouge, a community near our Haiti North site. One of Madeline’s children, Phalancia, is sponsored with Chalice. Sponsorship helps Madeline provide better care for her children, but the …

Elder sponsorship encourages Simón’s recovery

Simón, from our Fatima site in Bolivia, always dreamed of having his own home. In order to save costs, Simón lived with his brother for many years. His room was improvised with plastic walls and tents. It was very cold, and when it rained, the roof leaked. Despite his challenges, Simón always remained cheerful and …

Ukrainian family embarks on a new orchard business

In Ukraine, ballooning inflation has dramatically increased the cost of family necessities. Heating and food are among the most expensive needs. High rates of unemployment and underpaid work leaves many parents unable to afford these rising costs. The Konovalyk family, located near our Pochaiv site in Ukraine, has deeply felt the effects of the poor …

Orphaned brothers start a hopeful new life together

Joseph and Benjamin are brothers from Kyandoo, a small village near our Mercy Care Site in Mwingi, Kenya. When they were still very young, their mother, who was their only caretaker, sadly passed away. After her death, the boys went to live with their grandmother. Life with their grandmother was full of happy moments! Joseph …

Nutrition program provides nearly 150,000 meals last year in Tondo

In the Philippines, many children living in poverty are in poor health. Malnutrition, leading to anemia and poor dental health, is one of the most urgent issues at many of our Filipino sites. Through the support of our sponsors and donors, we work with our local partners to implement nutrition programs to help nourish hungry …

Maksym receives life saving treatment for Lyme disease

Last September, Maskym, a sponsored child from our Ternopil site in Ukraine, came home from school with a sharp headache and high fever. Svitlana, his mother, kept Maksym home from school for two days thinking he had the flu. Maksym, however, just kept getting sicker. Svitlana also noticed that his head was constantly tilting to …

A light in the darkness: Rupali’s new dream

Rupali, from our Assam site in India, lives with her parents, older sister, and younger brother. Her parents are incredibly hard working, and do everything they can for their children. Her father, Pobin, drives others around in a rickshaw for a living. Even though he’s in poor health, he works nearly every day to make …

Borehole well brings life to school in rural Ghana

In northern Ghana, it’s often incredibly difficult for children to attend school. Lack of transportation, public services, and food insecurity all prevent children from attending class. Many young adults move to the prospering southern towns, leading to a further lack of teachers and services. For over ten years, Chalice has been working in northern Ghana …

Traditional Kenyan Kaimatis (fried dumplings)

This Christmas, whip up this easy, delicious snack that the whole family will love. Kaimati is a traditional fried dumpling coated with sweet vanilla syrup. This indulgent treat is a popular dessert and snack among Swahili and Bajuni communities in Kenya- we received this recipe straight from one of our Kenyan sites! Kaimatis get their …